This difficulty will randomize enemies, items, and more.
One of the added values of the Resident Evil franchise has always been the high replay value. One of the main ways to incentivize the player to take back the Capcom title is to have excellent unlockables. From some rumors, it appears that Resident Evil Village has these too, in a unique guise.
A well-known insider of the saga recently tweeted on his profile that the new game will have a mode similar to Resident Evil 7's Ethan Must Die.. Resident Evil Village will also have a more extreme difficulty unlockable, although presumably it will do more than just make the game more difficult. It seems that in this difficulty level there are some roguelite elements and, in addition to making the title much broader, it will randomize the position of objects in the world and enemies.
(1/2) I'm curious if they're going to talk about this before release, and * UNLOCKABLE SPOILERS * for anyone avoiding all spoilers, but no story spoilers here, just an extra mode, BUT…
I've known for a while they toyed with making an "Ethan Must Die 2.0" for village, & turned it https://t.co/3BuldpeKnN
- AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golem (@ AestheticGamer1) April 10, 2021
This information is not official, and therefore should be taken with due caution. Although in the past the insider in question has proved reliable on the information provided on the saga.
► Resident Evil Village is an Adventure-type game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, it will be released in 2021