The best school apps for Android and iPhone. Discover and download these free school apps that will help you on your school journey.
App for school: School Diary one of the best apps on Android
School Diary is a practical app for students of all ages that aims to simplify the organization of their student career and integrate services, such as the electronic register, to always have everything under control. Whether you are attending elementary school, high school or university, this is the app for you!
Integration with the ClasseViva or Argo ScuolaNext electronic register allows you to synchronize grades, subjects, absences, assignments, checks and circulars, but not only! The app adds more features, such as automatic calculation of the school average and notifications for future events.
School Diary works even if your school does not use an electronic register!
It's quick and easy to jot down tasks, checks and reminders in your calendar, while daily notifications help you never forget anything. Manage your events and engagements with the integrated calendar, optimized for the student's needs.
Keep your schedule always at hand and plan your study accordingly. The timetable is highly customizable: it is possible to assign different colors to each subject and view the events saved in the agenda.
Manage absences, delays, early exits and excuses and receive information on how many you still have available.
Record lessons to never miss an explanation and hear the most important details again.
Save the contacts of your professors to always have their telephone numbers, office hours and emails at hand and find them easily.
Online backup of your journals to Google Drive allows you to sync your data across all devices.
The refined and modern design, in full Material Design style, contributes to making the user experience intuitive and satisfying in every aspect.
Download School Diary now on your Android smartphone click here
App for school: Diary Skuola.net one of the best apps on iOS
With the Skuola.net Diary app you can say goodbye to expensive paper diaries! Diary Skuola.net is the completely free online school diary to always carry on your smartphone or iPad!
Write your homework on the diary app as on an electronic register, add the grades of the questions and immediately calculate your average, record the lessons, write the lesson timetable, mark the days of absence in the diary and reminders on the calendar. All without time limits, completely free!
All the content of a normal personal diary (and much more) in a simple app for smartphones and iPads.
- Write homework in the online school diary and check the ones already done;
- Write down your grades and immediately get the average;
- Add up to 18 custom subjects;
- Save the lesson timetable in your personal diary;
- Share homework with your friends;
- Keep track of your days of absence;
- Record the lessons of prof. thanks to the voice recorder and underlines the most important passages with bookmarks;
- Add notes and reminders to the diary app;
- Check the next classwork on the calendar;
- Add your prof. with photos and reception hours;
- Mark the date of written interrogations and tests;
- Browse the calendar to learn about bridges and holidays;
- Use the diary app as a real agenda for appointments and events
- Skuola.net Diary App notifies you when it's time to study if there are any homework
– Check the newspaper online and offline from your smartphone
Download now on your iPhone or iPad