Review for Sine Mora EX. Game for PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 31/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/10/2017
Almost five years ago it made its debut Sine Mora, a shoot 'em up fruit of the collaboration between Digital Reality e Grasshopper Manufacture. A few months ago THQ Nordic has seen fit to brush up on the game by announcing a enhanced port (
The game will be available from tomorrow on PlayStation 4 (tested version), Xbox One and PC, but the Nintendo Switch version shouldn't be long in coming. At the moment, however, everything is silent in relation to the aired versions for iOS and Android, never confirmed by the publisher.
Sine Mora, in short
Since we are not talking about yet another classicon port that everyone or almost everyone knows, it is worth dedicating the first paragraph of our review to the presentation of the game.
Sine Mora is the result of the collaboration between Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture, which in 2012 also brought us the most controversial Black Knight Sword; Suda51 and his colleagues, however, dealt "only" with the artistic direction and sound design. The title is one horizontal scrolling shoot 'em up of the bullet hell sub-genre, equipped with a polygonal graphic compartment but played entirely in two dimensions.
Like many other colleagues, Sine Mora is also characterized by a rather high level of challenge, even at the lowest difficulty level, also due to the numerous variables to manage. The mechanics behind the gameplay is time management: each level is divided into checkpoints to be reached before the end of the available seconds, which can increase or decrease according to the kills or hits suffered. In addition to the timer, the player will have to manage secondary weapons and time manipulation capsules (a bullet time). The primary shot knows eight boosts, but these can be lost with every shot taken if not recovered in time.
Once these mechanics have been mastered in the midst of a hail of bullets, the diligent player will also begin to take a look at the scoring system, which provides a very limiting multiplier: in fact, it not only interrupts with every hit, but also with every use secondary weapons and pods.
Anyone who is not interested in such a hardcore experience can still find Sine Mora interesting for the contribution of Grasshopper Manufacture. Graphically the game looks really good, thanks to theinspired diesel punk art direction and soundtrack by Akira Yamaoka, the result of a search for the sound that best suits the very particular setting. There is also a rather convoluted plot, considering the genre to which it belongs, but which can prove to be tasty to the palates of the most patient players. Finally, the imposing boss battles must be mentioned, spectacular and with quite various patterns.
The additions that Sine Mora EX brings with it are not very few, but overall they do not impact too much on the overall experience, compared to an introductory price of € 19,99 (double the current one of Sine Mora). The most banal are there Spanish translation (not excellent, but still decent), the 16: 9 support - but you can also select the original 16:10 - and the dubbing in English as an alternative to the Hungarian one.
Someone will appreciate more the dub in an understandable language, but the fundamentalists might object that it is better to respect the original choice (even in the sense of bizarre, in this case, Ed.) Of the developers. PC and PlayStation 4 Pro users will also be able to count on the combination of 4K & 60 FPS.
The substantial innovations are recorded in terms of modes: in addition to History, Arcade, Time Attack and Boss Training, Sine Mora EX also includes challenges and local multiplayer compartment. The first are fifteen challenges, with varied and really difficult content. Added time for hardcore players given the stiff progression: to unlock the second challenge you have to complete the first and so on.
The multiplayer modes deserve a brief study. We distinguish first of all the a cooperative from the modalities versus. The first is revealed somewhat limited, as it does not involve the use of two aircraft, but only one, with one of the two players playing a supporting role ruling the Ophan sphere, equipped with a directional cannon and shield. The versus modes are three and provide for direct confrontation (without secondary weapons or capsules) in certain conditions or a speed race.
Sine Mora EX is certainly the best version of the game, but the additions are not such as to justify a new outlay of money from those who have already played Sine Mora. The new modes are a pleasant side dish, but do not impact that much on the overall evaluation of the work, except in case you do not intend to spend many hours in multiplayer.
► Sine Mora EX is a Shooter type game developed by Gyroscope Games and published by THQ Nordic for PlayStation Network, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, the game was released on 31/07/2017 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 10/10/2017