Sites to download free MP3 ringtones. You should know that there are a lot of websites on the Internet that you can call on to find all the MP3 ringtones you need.
They are free and do not require special technical skills to be used.
Sites to download free MP3 ringtones the best
Zedge. It is a very famous portal that offers everything that can be useful for the personalization of the mobile phone. On the site, therefore, there are not only ringtones, but also wallpapers and graphic themes. It does not require registration and is very easy to use.
When you have found the ringtone you are interested in, press the button Play to immediately reproduce a preview via the Web. Then, if you want to download it to your computer, click first on its title and then first on the button Get ringtone e poi quello Download. The ringtone will be saved in the folder Download (provided, even in this case, you have not made any changes to your web browser settings).
Tones7 Host hundreds of ringtones from all genres of music! It is therefore very unlikely that you will not be able to find at least one call or warning tone that can attract your attention.
When you find a ringtone you think you might be interested in, click the button Get ringtone found under its title. On the page that will be shown to you at this point, you can listen to a streaming preview of the ringtone by pressing the button Play and / or you can download it in MP3 format by pressing the button Download. Instead, clicking iPhone download the ringtone will be saved in M4R format. Even then, if you haven't made any particular changes to the browser's default settings, the ringtone will be downloaded to the folder Download from your computer.
Free Ringtones
Free Ringtones. It is a popular portal that, in fact, allows you to download ringtones in the form of MP3 files at no cost and in which all the most popular call and warning tones of the moment are collected.
When you find the ringtone you like, click on the button Download for Androidto download it in MP3 format. If you are using an iPhone, you have to click on the button Download for iPhone, but in this case, keep this in mind, the ringtone will be downloaded in M4R format. If you have not made any changes to the default settings of the web browser you are using, the ringtone will be saved in the folder Download of your PC.
Set ringtones on Android and iPhone
- If you are using Android, connect your device to your computer and copy the downloaded ringtones MP3 format files to the folder /sdcard/ringtones/ or in the folder /sdcard/system/media/audio/ringtones or even in that /sdcard/media/ringtones (the path may change depending on the make and model of the device used). Once this is done, you will find all the ringtones transferred to Settings> Sound> Phone ringtone of Android and you can set them from there.
- If you are using iOS, launch the software iTunes on your computer, click the menu on the top left, select the item Ringtones and drag and drop the M4R ringtones files into the software window. Then connect your iPhone (or your iPad) to the computer, click on the icon device which always appears at the top on the left and selects the item Ringtones from the left sidebar (under the heading Settings). Then put the check mark next to the wording Synchronize ringtones and click Apply to start the procedure. Once the transfer is complete, you will find the ringtones in the menu Settings> Sounds> Ringtone of iOS and you can set them from there.
Also check out the best apps to download ringtones