Our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man has appeared on the small screens for almost two months with very positive results, but leaving some points open to possible new plot outlets. Some of these will be deepened with the expansion The City That Never Sleeps, the name with which Insomniac Games has baptized the three DLCs that will be released on a monthly basis and which will clarify the "disappearance" of Felicia Hardy aka Black Cat (the Black Cat in Bel Paese) while Spidey was meeting Doc Ock and company. La Gatta is back in town: what will it ever want to do?
The itsy bitsy Spider-Man
The disappearance of Fisk from the chessboard of Manhattan caused a huge power vacuum, which, after the events involving Mister Negativo and his "fantastic friends", has remained. Among the gangs that aspire to seize the legacy of Kingpin is that of Hammerhead (Hammerhead), which had remained in the shade until recently. He will be the reason why Black Cat will show himself again in the presence of Spidey, with intentions as usual very unclear.
In this first episode of the triptych of DLC dedicated to our Tessiragnatele, the that there is (or that there was, if you prefer) between Peter / Spider-Man and Felicia / Black Cat and of which we had already had some clues will also be deepened during the run of the main storyline.
As in the original title, here too we will be able to control Mary Jane during the now usual stealth phases, to which we are now used to. It will take you about 2 hours to complete The Robbery, 4 if you also want to consider the secondary activities. Clearly the conclusion of the DLC will not answer all the questions that will be disseminated along its course, forcing us to wait for the second episode.
New York is the New Old York
To access the DLCs, just start the title normally and, once you reach the home screen, enter the menu where we will have a new tab dedicated to downloadable content. From here, just select The Robbery and start this new additional chapter. Even within this new DLC, as we mentioned previously, there will be secondary activities able to increase its longevity, even if a little will already know. The Crimes of the Maggia will be comparable to the classic crimes of the escapees from the Raft or the minions of Mr. Negative, the Screwball Challenges will be the equivalent of those of Taskmaster while instead Walter Hardy's paintings will have the same taste of the backpacks that Peter had scattered for Manhattan years ago.
With this we certainly do not mean that it will not be fun to complete them anyway, but a pinch of innovation certainly would not have spoiled. The thing is repeated also under the aspect of the equipment of the Spider: in fact there will be no new gadgets and the three new costumes (obtainable by completing the neighborhoods) will not give us new powers that we can exploit, limiting itself to a purely aesthetic functionality.
The novelty will instead be the addition of a new type of opponent who, if we do not act quickly, will kill us in a few seconds thanks to his weapons, adding an extra pinch of pepper to the flavor of the challenge and making it essential to collaborate with Felicia during some of the stealth phases.
Spider-Man: The Heist is a DLC that certainly does not upset the title, aiming more to enrich what has already been shown to us within the main title, without however innovating. If you want to know and reveal some of the mysteries that remained so at the conclusion of Spidey's adventures a few months ago, then the Robbery will surely be for you. If, on the other hand, you were expecting news from the gameplay point of view, you will be left with a dry mouth. The Robbery is the continuation of the good things done in September New York, without trying to overturn or renew Insomniac's work.