Review for Splatoon 2. Game for Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 21/07/2017
After having carved out a real slice in the world of e-Sports, Splatoon demonstrated how he was able to win the hearts of a large group of fans on Wii U, and then generate hype around the world with the anticipation of the second chapter coming out on Nintendo Switch. Two years ago we published the review of the first Splatoon, marveling at the colorful and innovative identity of Nintendo's new IP, and at the same time being perplexed and disappointed by the paucity of content that the title had in its initial stage. We all know very well afterwards how it went, with brand new content being added continuously over the course of a full year that has considerably increased the number of arenas and weapons available to all players.
A game that started leaving the first buyers with enormous doubt, but which ended up becoming a quality assurance, and now we know that even Splatoon 2, tried a few months ago, will receive the same treatment. So let's stop worries about initial content and let's have fun with what we have available so far, knowing that many more things will be added as we go.
Let's split them all!
The basic concept of Splatoon has not changed since the first chapter, and in fact as soon as we dive into a friendly battle we will find ourselves part of a team of 4 players ready to use their weapons not to kill opponents, but to color as much ground as possible until the end of the countdown in what are called Turf War.
All the weapons we already know well from Splatoon will make their return, such as the airbrush, the splatter, or the legendary roller, but we will also find interesting additions such as the double pistol - excellent for close combat and the only weapon that will allow you to perform a somersault to dodge - and the umbrellas with which to create real and own protective shields and then launch a bomb at unsuspecting enemies. As in the past, each weapon will be available in a set with a secondary weapon and with a special move available only after loading a special bar by coloring as much terrain as possible: as we continue in the game we will be able to buy different sets so as to experience a ' weapon with various secondary weapons and special moves.
Let's not forget the equipment, which in the form of hats, t-shirts, and shoes, will not only change the outward appearance of our character but will also provide us with special abilities with which to enhance our battles with paint. Each piece of equipment will have a main skill - which is a must - and various unlockable sub-skills randomly through the acquisition of experience points. If we are not satisfied with some secondary skills we will still be able to destroy some equipment to obtain "skill fragments" with which to then insert this ability on the clothing we prefer.
Once you have enough experience with friendly battles we will be able to try our hand at ranked battles, which are divided into three different categories. We will find a mode in which teams will battle for control of specific areas on the map, one in which players drive real self-propelled towers, and one in which each team will have to bring an object that rains paint into the opponent's base to make points.
Achieved B- rank in any type of ranked battle, si can try to build a real team with friends to try league battles, in which the teams will have to face a 2 hour battle session against other teams and thus obtain the world podium. It is possible to either create a complete team, or enter this mode with another friend to form a couple and then be placed in a team with another couple.
During these test days we were also able to take a look at a special event mode called Salmon Run, which in our opinion was the most fun part of the whole experience. In a very similar way to the Gears of War horde, in this mode (available online only on certain days and times like Splatfest, but also playable locally with friends when you prefer) we will form a team of 1 to 4 players who will have to collaborate rather than fight each other.
Creepy creatures called Salmonoids roam the map and must be defeated in various waves, using a random weapon that must be equipped throughout the round. The purpose of the players however, it will not be simply to defeat the Psalmonoids, but rather it will be to splat the Bosses for good that will appear every now and then so as to obtain the Golden Eggs to then take to a collection basket. Only if at the end of the available time we have reached the required share of Golden Eggs will we be able to move on to the next wave of enemies, up to the third and final wave to determine the success or failure of the entire operation. Not reaching the required number of eggs will determine the Game Over, but this will happen even if all team members are defeated. Fortunately, you can resurrect your companions at any time by splatting their corpse with your weapon. During this mode it will be possible to use your special twice, so it is imperative to strive to find the right moment capable of turning the tide of the match.
Two years later we are still in shrimp
Also Splatoon 2, as well as the first chapter, features a story mode set two years after the events of Splatoon. Stella and Marina will be a fundamental part of this mode that will put us again against the Octarians, since our Sea Sisters will no longer be the announcers who will accompany each of our game sessions, replaced by Alga and Nori, also beautiful and with a design that we found really interesting and well thought out.
La story mode is ideal for learning the basics and to get comfortable with every type of weapon, first in the main map where we will have to strive even just to find and reach the entrances of the different levels, and then in facing the stages where there will be not only puzzles and enemies but also the inevitable collectibles. It's a pity that compared to the first chapter, everything will be much simpler, especially as regards the final boss who, if in Splatoon had made us damned but had gone down in history as a legendary challenge, this time he loses a lot of his charm and his difficulty.
Interesting off the air
In addition to the game itself, which so far has fully convinced us and we are sure that it will carve out a huge slice of love from Nintendo Switch owners, Splatoon 2 it will also have the support of a smartphone app called SplatNet 2, which will allow us to start voice chats with other players and stay in touch with them even when we are not at home playing. Of course there will be no shortage of fantastic ones Amiibo, compatible with both old characters and upcoming new ones, which will allow us to save our favorite character / equipment / options settings in case we want to go play at a friend's house, and will unlock exclusive items of equipment such as example the magnificent samurai helmet.
In conclusion
Splatoon 2 takes what fans loved from the first game and brings it back in an improved key, ensuring continued support with new modes, weapons and arenas that will be added over time. Thanks to its colorful identity, fast and fun battles and many interesting new features compared to the past, Splatoon 2 promises to become an inevitable milestone for every owner of Nintendo Switch, also allowing you to play wherever you go using the portable mode. Always in shrimp!
► Splatoon 2 is an Action-type game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 21/07/2017