Very often, when we talk about video games, we are witnessing the birth of a debate on their effective usefulness and on the impact they can have on society. It was to deepen this area IIDEA which, in conjunction with the release of its platform Game to Human (G2H), wanted to interview the developers and institutions that made possible the inclusion of This War of Mine in the curriculum of Polish schools.
The signed title 11 bit studios in fact, it will soon become free educational material for children aged 18 and over and will have the task of providing them with a different way of learning and of helping them in matters such as history, philosophy and sociology.
Commenting on the new role acquired by the title was Rafal Lew-Starowicz, Deputy Director of the Ministry of Education. According to his words, in fact, interactive software would be able to offer students completely new learning opportunities, also combining fun and technological tools now exploited every day.
Going into more detail, to allow a This War of Mine to enter the educational scene were its characteristics. To say it was Pawel Miechowski, Partnership Manager of 11 Bit Studios, according to which the union between the setting inspired by the siege of Sarajevo in the nineties, the realism and emotionality of the moments experienced during the game proved to be capable of representing real teachings and examples.
Equally supportive of this new mode of learning turned out to be Dominika Urbanska-Galanciak, Managing Director of Spidor, trade association of the Polish video game industry, according to which This War of Mine it represents an opportunity to broaden the horizon of educational opportunities by showing a different face of war, centered both on the historical period and on the moral decisions behind it.
At the moment, unfortunately, that of Poland would seem to be an isolated case of the adoption of similar educational methods. The hope is that, thanks to the birth of platforms designed to promote greater knowledge of video games and their positive impact on society such as G2H, the example can also extend to other realities.
► This War of Mine is an Adventure-Indie-Simulation-Strategy game developed and published by 11 bit studios for Android, PC, iOS, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Linux, the video game was released on 14/11/2014 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 31/12/2018 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 26/01/2016 The version for Xbox One came out on 26/01/2016
This War of Mine is a great game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 84%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of This War of Mine