Upon its release Tyranny he had the spotlight of a wide range of enthusiasts on him who, after the success of Pillars of Eternity, awaited the new work of Obsidian Entertainment with many expectations. The American developers managed not to disappoint their fans thanks to a title that, starting from the solid foundations of isometric role-playing games, enriched the landscape with an original and curated plot. Tyranny: Bastard's Wound DLC is Tyranny's first proper DLC because, unlike Tales from the Tiers, adds, at the price of 14,99 euros, a new location in the world of Terratus as well as a whole series of new quests and NPCs.
Bastard's Wound is the name of a settlement populated by famous personalities, outcasts and fugitives who have chosen to escape the conquest of Kyros to hide underground. In fact, to access this new location we will have to make our way through the narrow ravines of Cairn's Passage, to thus come into contact with a community with different problems: the Sleepless, characters who are victims of a curse that leads them to the loss of sleep and reason, and especially the poisoning of aquifers.
Here we will meet new interesting characters, engaged in a dispute over the leadership of the settlement, and we will be able to deepen the background of three of our historical companions such as Lantry, Barik and Verse thanks to a series of ad hoc quests. In terms of gameplay, the dynamics obviously remain unchanged, as Tyranny: Bastard's Wound DLC integrates perfectly within the main plot (starting from the second act) and the gameplay remains typical of western rpg. We will therefore find no real news if not at a narrative and object level, in this case not memorable.
Bastard's Wound primarily enriches Tyranny's longevity, already commendable in the base game, focusing once again on the dialogues with the new NPCs. The fights and exploration phases, on the other hand, are reduced to the bone and focus on the exploration of the basement of the settlement reachable thanks to various portals that we will be able to unlock by following the main quest lines. Bastard's Wound cannot be considered an essential chapter of the game and who will benefit most, a little less than a year after the release of Tyranny, will be the players who have yet to discover this excellent rpg.
Tyranny left us with a very good impression and a gaming satisfaction that we are not always able to find nowadays. Tyranny: Bastard's Wound DLC instead is a DLC that makes the motto “more of the same” its workhorse. It is pleasant to rediscover our Fatebinder and its events but, despite some narrative insights, this DLC does not fully convince. Those who have already completed Tyranny will be able to take a step back to discover the settlement of Bastard's Wound but will remain with a bitter taste, this expansion integrates perfectly with the main title but does not fully justify a replayability of the Obsidian title.
Verdict: recommended to everyone