Su PlayStation Store a new wave of discounts starts with the initiative "All of Japan". Among the discounts offered in this new initiative which runs from 23 September to 7 October, you can choose from over 300 games from Japanese teams and publishers.
Among the most relevant titles is present Resident Evil 3 Remake (€ 29,99), Nioh 2 (€ 39,89), the new Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (€ 39,89), without forgetting the excellent price cut a Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch Remastered, (19,99 €). Among the titles on sale there is the Kingdom Hearts saga and that of resident evil. For the complete list you can click here.
The offer "All of Japan”Is present exclusively on PlayStation Store, remembering that the promotion is valid until October 7 2020. The “All Japan” initiative supports the offer of the week, dedicated to the title The Division 2 and the promotion "Games for less than € 20"Started last September 16; in the latter initiative there are several titles including the recent remastered of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.