Square Enix warns players of the adventure platform, following accusations made by photosensitive users.
Available from last Friday, March 26 for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X, Balan wonderworld is making headlines for having reopened the question between video games and photosensitive subjects. In this regard, Square Enix recommends to all those who have purchased the Adventure Platform to install the day one patch before using it, in order to avoid any unpleasant situation..
Please ensure that you install the Day 1 Patch before playing.
We have received reports of a photo-sensitive epilepsy risk from a potential flashing bug if playing the game un-patched.
The Day 1 Patch prevents this issue as well as enhances the overall play experience.
- Balan Wonderworld (@balanwworld) March 26, 2021
The first to report the problem was Liana Ruppert, editor at Game Informer. Specifically, the industry journalist pointed the finger at the final battle of Balan Wonderworld. The latter, he says, would indeed include a large number of potential epileptic triggers for any user, not just sensitive individuals.. The concluding sequence, Ruppert testifies, immediately caused her to have an attack. In particular, not only the use of flashing lights in rapid sequence, but also of splinters of bright white on a flashing background are cited as potentially problematic.
In recent months, Liana Ruppert had also brought to the attention of the public several critical points that plagued Cyberpunk 2077 causing epileptic seizures. CD Projekt RED promptly responded, quickly releasing a corrective update.
► Balan Wonderworld is a Platform-type game developed and published by Square Enix for PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, the video game was released on 26/03/2021