Il Baldur's Gate 3 next release, albeit in an early access version, it is certainly an event to be recorded in the annals of the video game.
While not coveted by the masses, the RPG developed by the talented Larian Studios will be able to stir more than one conscience, hopefully evoking that feeling that, apart from improved editions, hadn't been perceived since 2004, the year of the publication of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II.
And it is precisely in view of tomorrow's release that the development team that gave birth to Divinity: Original Sin has made known very important details about races and classes available right away. The binary code of Baldur's Gate 3 will offer the gamer a total of 16 races / subraces and 6 classes, each with its own peculiar characteristics.
Whether you want to play the role of Elf, githyanki, Dark Elves (or Drow), Half-Elf, Nano, Halfling, Tiefling or why not, a more common one Human, in short, the depth of the battle system and the customization possibilities offered by the third chapter of the epic originally encoded by BioWare suggest excellent potential.
We will know more shortly… Stay tuned!
► Baldur's Gate III is an RPG-Adventure game developed and published by Larian Studios for PC, Mac and Google Stadia, The release is scheduled: 2020