Batman Arkham Knight - Achievements, Trophies, Achievements
For all trophy hunters, here is the complete list of those featured in Batman: Arkham Knight. We warn you right away that those aiming for high honors on Playstation 4 will remain with a bitter taste, since almost all of the rewards are made up of bronze trophies. On the other hand, some of these are really simple to obtain and any player will collect a good number of them simply by continuing in the adventure. Following on this page after the first list, you will also find the list of secret trophies / Achievements. Good hunting!
Bronze Trophies:
- A leap in faith: Perform 8 different jumps for 100 meters.
- Absolution- Get 69 stars in AR Challenges.
- Bruises: Perform all kinds of Predator Takedowns.
- A lesson in brutality: Perform 15 different combat moves in a single non-stop sequence.
- Armed to the teeth: Successfully use all five Batmobile weapons in a single battle against an armored car.
- City of fear: Defend the assault on your ally's fortress.
- Break the ice: Destroy the first weapons depot in Gotham City.
- Creature of the night: Free the city.
- Violence is a vicious circle: Use 100 quick gadgets during non-stop fight.
- Dead of fear: Kill 20 criminals with Terror KO.
- A well-planned death: Receive a key by completing the seventh Riddler trial.
- Innocent victims: Rescue the fire team from station 17.
- Dirty tricks: Achieve 3 minutes of drifting with the Batmobile.
- The factory of fear: Save the workers of ACE Chemicals.
- Favorite son- Get 46 stars in AR Challenges.
- The gates of Gotham: Destroy all militia watchtowers.
- Gotham by night: Glide for 400 meters keeping you within 20 meters of the ground.
- Gotham slums: Defuse all militia explosive devices in Gotham City.
- Jekyll and Hyde: Avert the shot at the Miagani Island bank and lock the gang leader at the police station.
- The enterprise of the Knight: Even the score.
- Judgment Day: Win the battle deep inside.
- Lethal pursuit: Receive a key by completing the ninth Riddler trial.
- Hell on earth: Interrogate the pilot of the militia tank.
- Seven lives: Receive a key by completing the last Riddler trial.
- Nobody's land: Energize the bridges of Gotham City.
- Pieces of the puzzle: Receive a key by completing the second Riddler trial.
- Surgical precision: Get 5 perfect hits in a row with the Vulcan without taking damage.
- The furious Riddler: Receive a key by completing the fourth Riddler trial.
- Flight into the night: Fly under the 3 main bridges between islands in one continuous glide.
- Lethal metal: Destroy 10 militia transport vehicles without using the immobilizer.
- Hit the target: Score 50 critical hits on light tanks.
- Sins of youth- Get 23 stars in AR Challenges.
- The streets of Gotham: Destroy all militia checkpoints.
- Point blank question: Receive a key by completing the fifth Riddler trial.
- The bat and the kitten: Receive a key by completing the third Riddler trial.
- The frequency of terror: Scan Gotham City to locate the Scarecrow's location.
- In line at the butcher: Track down and capture the serial killer.
- The primordial enigma: Receive a key by completing the sixth Riddler trial.
- Driving license and booklet- Eliminate 20 running cars without using the Batmobile.
- Automobile junkyard: Destroy all militia tanks.
- The road to hell: Complete the first Riddler trial.
- Cold world: Capture the arms dealer and lock him up in the police station.
- Trail of fear: Lock up your first super-villain at the police station.
- Vengeance!: Repel heavy artillery reinforcements.
Platinum Trophy
- I'm batman!: Claim the city.
- Inner struggle: Fight for your sanity.
- A heart broken in two: Secure the secret base.
- Angel in the dark: Complete the trials and prove you are a worthy successor.
- As the crow flies: Escape from ACE Chemicals.
- Do not be afraid: Win the Gotham War.
- Brotherhood of the Fist: The return of the Dinamico Duo.
- Dark pacts: Capture the Scarecrow Commander-in-Chief.
- The face of fear: What is the Cloudburst?
- Days of fire: Put out fires in Gotham City.
- Double criminality: Go face to face with an old friend.
- Fear of success: Survive the Scarecrow's ambush.
- Master of fear: Wayne vs. Crane.
- Solve this: Lock the Riddler at the police station.
- Crazy for bats: Treat the doctor.
- Weather alert: Activate the countermeasures for the Cloudburst.
Silver trophy:
- The sect: Save the sacrificial victim and lock the culprit in the police station.
Gold Trophy
- The factory of puzzles: Receive a key by completing the eighth Riddler trial.