According to rumors, the new chapter could start to be seen during the event.
Battlefield 6, new chapter of the homonymous series of war titles belonging to the first person shooter genre born from the DICE team, will soon return to the spotlight with new - and long-awaited - details.
To reveal the now imminent arrival of the latter was the same DICE, through a few lines published on Twitter. The team behind the title would have in fact used the platform to revive the game and, probably, amaze fans of the series, making them understand the now upcoming news. The post, simple and very short, only contains the words: “A few words rhymes with soon: June. Boom".
Words that rhyme with Soon:
- Battlefield (@Battlefield) May 10, 2021
Both the chosen words, certainly more able to convey the idea in English thanks to their assonance, would therefore lead to think of the arrival of new news about Battlefield 6 during the month of June and, probably, during the expected E3 2021. Probably the team will show some anticipation through a teaser trailer, designed to invite players to stay tuned and ready for the long-awaited Ea Play.
Despite DICE's attempt to keep a minimum of mystery regarding the new chapter, some of its features have already leaked to the web previously, combined with a game map and a perspective on some skyscrapers. Haven't you seen them and are you curious to take a closer look at them?
The team behind the title has not yet released confirmations regarding many aspects of the latter - including the title itself of the sixth chapter - simply announcing it as one of the greatest in the history of the series, full of destruction, huge battles conceived. to leave you speechless and pure chaos.
The launch of Battlefield 6 is currently expected, on PC and next-gen consoles PlayStation 5 e Xbox Series X | S, during the Christmas holidays. At the moment, unfortunately, DICE has not yet revealed anything about the possible arrival of the next chapter even on old-gen hardware.
► Battlefield V is a Shooter type game developed by Electronic Arts and published by DICE for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 20/11/2018
Battlefield V is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 77%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Battlefield V review