We informed you just a few weeks ago about the confirmation of Battlefield 6 in release for the financial year 2021: now Electronic Arts even confirms a reveal even closer. The indiscretion, which is actually more than an announcement, comes from none other than EA CEO Andrew Wilson, who in a conference call with investors has given for sure not only the publication of the title for the Christmas holidays 2021, but also an upcoming spring reveal.
We will reveal the game in the spring and offer a well-defined Battlefield experience for our players during the holidays of 2021.
CEO A.Wilson
The confirmations do not end there however. During the same circumstance, the manager also reiterated that the next Battlefield will mark the return to a global war scenario, underlining how the upcoming sequel takes full advantage of the power of the (sun) next-gen hardware platforms. This will then give life to huge immersive multiplayer battles, with very large scale maps Without precedents.
The news of the reveal of Battlefield 6 will certainly be welcomed loudly by one of the most numerous and active communities of the videogame landscape (war). Especially since, beyond the rumors about the alleged 128 contemporary online players that would be talked about, some insiders have also said that the game would have taken Battlefield 3 of 2011 as inspiration, and the latter is a title never forgotten and mentioned. as a virtuous example from almost all fans of the franchise.
Hype do we have any ??