Biomutant's Twitter account has good news: today it revealed that Biomutant will arrive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on May 25, 2021.
Biomutant is coming to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on May 25th, 2021. pic.twitter.com/qVdTMaxxS5
- Biomutant (@Biomutant) January 26, 2021
The game is the first creature of Experiment 101, a Swedish developer created in 2015 by former Avalanche (Just Cause), and has been in development shortly after the founding of the studio. Officially announced in 2017, it has been postponed more than once like any self-respecting open world.
Big absent in the announcement are the next-gen versions. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series S / X remain dry mouth at the moment: we had talked about it, and theintention seems to bring it even on the new console - in what form, we do not yet know.
The official synopsis, for those who don't remember it, is the rescue of the Tree of Life in a post-apocalyptic future, or even better:
Biomutant is an open-world post-apocalyptic action RPG that combines hand-to-hand combat, shooting phases and mutant abilities. Replayable thanks to the variability and depth of character growth, the exploration of three systematically generated worlds, an underworld and a small solar system. All of them can be explored on foot, with mechs, hot air balloons, jetskis and spaceships. Biomutant will have a customization system not only of the character but also of the mutation system, of bionics as well as being able to craft objects. Everything will be seasoned with a unique narrative, in which the player will create their own story.
Here is one of the latest gameplay videos. For all other news on Biomutant, please click on the game tag, as well as continue to follow these pages.
► Biomutant is an Action-RPG type game developed and published by THQ Nordic for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/12/2019