An ambitious new project comes from South Korea with the NPIXEL studio that unveils its massive online multiplayer rpg Chrono Odyssey coming to PC in the course of 2022 and to Android devices iOS through the possible accompanying titles, given the graphic quality shown in this first trailer proposed here:
According to the information released by NPIXEL, Chrono Odyssey will feature a unique system of classes and random generation of dungeons using space time.
Formerly known as Project S, Chrono Odyssey is an MMORPG with a medieval fantasy setting, based on space and time, seeing how the protagonists of the story are the members of Idraiginn, an organization that stands in the way of a war of mammoth proportions that sees 12 divinities opposed, as can also be seen from the trailer. Will the ambitious Korean project manage to act as a valid alternative to Final Fantasy XIV? We'll see.