The team behind the remake of Demon's Souls, title for next-gen console Sony PlayStation 5 designed to bring the 2009 game of the same name back to new generation platforms in a renewed form, it wanted to provide all gamers with a very wide range of character customization possibilities.
This was revealed by some screenshots recently appeared online and completely dedicated to Photo Mode and the creation of the game protagonist, which showed the presence of many more options than the version of the title released in the past on consoles PlayStation 3.
The character creation of the remake of Demon's Souls, according to what was revealed by the shots appeared on the web, it will in fact offer 16 million permutations! The latter were probably chosen to allow each user to bring to the birth of a protagonist as similar as possible to the one imagined by each player and perfect to show even in the online multiplayer mode.
The presence of all these possibilities will also be extremely useful for the Photo mode. Through the latter, players will be able to create unforgettable shots of their adventure, for example by hiding or showing helmets and weapons, just shoot the landscape without the player or change settings such as zoom, blur and grain.
In addition to all these options, the renewed version of Demon's Souls It will also allow you to take advantage of different filters to change the look of the game or some of its small features. The latter are certainly the brightness, contrast and color levels.
The most nostalgic will be able to take the opportunity to restore the appearance of the title to that typical of the original version, which amazed all players by bringing an extremely brutal world on old-gen hardware PlayStation 3.
The renewed version of the game from 2009 signed Bluepoint Games, SIE Japan Studio e Sony Interactive Entertainment is currently available on next-gen consoles Sony PlayStation 5.
► Demon's Souls is an RPG-Adventure game developed by Bluepoint Games Sony Interactive Entertainment and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 12/11/2020
Version for PlayStation 5 from 19/11/2020