Good morning to all friends of Epic Videogames Guide and welcome to a new guide to the universe of Destiny 2.
Today we will see how to get the exotic weapon Pandemic Perfected.
This kinetic weapon is a pulse rifle that displays a low impact it's one almost non-existent zoom, but makes up for it with good values on the rest of the stats.
Pandemic Perfected
Impact | 27 |
Range | 49 |
Stability | 46 |
Maneuverability | 50 |
Charging speed | 50 |
Bullets per minute | 450 |
loader | 34 |
Aim assisted | 65 |
Direction of recoil | 80 |
Dimension | 54 |
Zoom | 17 |
The most characteristic perks of Perfected Pandemic are:
- Rampant infection, this weapon creates swarms of SIVA after rapid successive hits and precision kills
- Parasitism, this weapon deals more damage based on the number of nanocells attached to enemies
Assuming that you must have unlocked the Rat King missions, here's what you will need to do to get the Pandemic Perfected.
- head to the Platform on Titan and start the "Bad Neighbors" mission; continue until you find a large yellow crystal, analyze it
- to the left of that room you will find a sealed red door, open it; inside the room you will find the Transponder of the Fallen; it indicates lost sectors scattered throughout the game world
- you will be able to 4 of the 6 nodes on Earth, in the lost sectors "Lo Discico", "Cascate dei Sussurri", "Atrio" and "Passo della Vedova"; except for the last one, you are not required to finish any of the sectors, but you will find the nodes along the way, some more hidden than others
- for the last 2 knots move to Nessus, in the sectors "Tana della Carogna" and "La fossa"
- with the complete Transponder we will obtain a complex encrypted code that will reveal the next step; head to the Refuge and enter the basement immediately to the right of the spawn to find a Fallen Captain who will entrust you with the "Zero Hour" timed mission at light 690
- be prepared properly as you will have to face any type of shield; the best aids are Lord of Thunder (Arco), Asceta (Empty), Anarchy (Arco) and Millevoci (Solar)
- the first 3 rooms are full of Stilettos, Snipers, Servants and a Walker; in the latter part use long-range weapons to quickly get rid of the snipers and draw your super (Pozza, Arrows and Nova Bomb) to quickly get rid of the Walker
- continue until you reach two closed conduits, shoot the one on the left and go down until you reach a series of mechanical platforms; do not stop too long because after a few seconds they will collapse with you on top
- when you arrive at the door, do not follow the intuitive path of platforms but jump headlong immediately beyond the door, "aiming" at the platform that you will see below you as you fall
- in the next section you will again find yourself in front of several crossroads, continue towards the one on the second floor on the right; past the fan room and the section with the side platforms, you reach the ventilation room
- the following is one of the parts that will most require your patience; in fact you will have to activate the 4 buttons on the sides of the room to be able to open the door at the bottom of it, all while avoiding being killed by the electric monster that patrols its path
- pay attention to the elevator on which you will have to go up in the next section, as at the end of its travel it will fall; a dangerous dizzying descent follows, hit your head on the conduit to slow down the ride and not die on impact; arrive at the armored cell, approach the wall with the symbol and continue straight to the server room; at the top right, go down the orange tube
- continue the obligatory path and you will find yourself in front of the boss; to face it you will have to respectively defeat snipers and mobs, 2 large minions with stylets in support, 2 walkers and other waves of minor mobs with some invisible, all without forgetting to inflict constant damage to the boss
Killed the boss, Mithrax the Forsaken will come to give you your well-deserved one Pandemic Perfected.
[This is just one of the many guides you can find on the frequencies of the Epic Videogames Guide, such as the one on the RAGE 2 pulse cannon to the one on the Dark Souls II bosses.]
► Destiny 2 is an Action-FPS game developed by Bungie Vicarious Visions and published by Activision for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 06/09/2017 The version for PC came out on 24/10/2017
Our latest game news: Destiny 2: Bungie announces the Forsaken expansion