Review for Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition. Game for PC and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/05/2006 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 20/02/2020
When it comes to Devil May Cry it takes respect, and even more when it comes to Devil May Cry 3. We are talking about a series that has set a standard and has elevated unbridled action to the nth degree on old and new consoles. generation, imposing an aggressive and tamarro style devoted to compulsive mash button and able to procure unbridled enjoyment in the player. Devil May cry 3 has in fact forfeited the rules of the series pushing them beyond all limits in 2006 and still managing to remain highly enjoyable even today.
Capcom in fact debuts on Nintendo Switch with its Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, offering a product faithful to the original work, well transposed and with some really interesting news. Let's find out together what it is.
While knowing perfectly well that contextualizing the plot of Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition may seem superfluous, we believe it is right to at least mention it, for the few who still do not know it and for the nostalgic lovers of the series. The protagonist of the title is Dante, son of Sparda, the great demon who betrayed the underworld to save humanity from hell; after an incredible battle with the lord of the underworld, Sparda managed to imprison the demons and decided to reign happily over the newly saved world for the rest of his life. Before dying he also had two sons, both half demons, both powerful and both with a strong propensity for war: on the other hand you know, good blood does not lie. Only the character differentiates Virgil and Dante (these are the names of the two born): the first reserved and thoughtful and the second caciarone and insolent.
The underworld, however, does not give up and send demonic forces to earth to kill the mother of the semi-infernal brothers and this tragedy leads to conflict between the two half demons, who separate each other continuing on their own path: Dante decides to continue in his father's footsteps by hunting down demonic beings while Virgil opts for a strategy that will take him to the opposite side, at the head of the forces of evil.
Here then begins the events narrated in Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, which see us impersonating Dante on his first day of work: Sparda's son decides to open an agency for the supernatural but, not even the time to give it a name, yes finds himself surrounded by demons escaped from a cursed tower summoned in the city center by his brother. With the shop now in ashes Dante therefore finds himself facing what remains of his family, giving life to a long climb, hindered at every moment by hundreds of demons and cursed creatures.
Needless to say, everything is seasoned with a dose of irreverence and bravado that reaches epochal peaks, resulting in the absurd but returning a feeling so enjoyable that it creates addiction.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition in fact focuses everything on unbridled action, devastating combos and lots of blood: the combo system that grows with each sequential ringing of slashes and blows creates in the player a sort of hypnosis that leads him to continue beating his hands frantically in an attempt to get the highest score: the SSStylish.
The acrobatics and combos linked to Dante's firearms and melee create a fascinating and irreverent dance that conquers from the very beginning despite the level of difficulty set upwards. And with regard to weapons, rivers of praise should be spent for the design curated by Capcom, which in the firearms set includes: Ebony and Avory, Dante's faithful fire-breathers who have fascinated to the point of becoming a must that also continues in other series; the shotgun, which needs no explanation; Artemis, a magical arc with guided research; Spiral, the anti-tank rifle; Kalina Ann, the hellish rocket launcher.
For the melee, however, the son of Sparda will have Rebellion, the demonic broadsword; Cerberus, the three-way nunchaku; Agni and Rudra, the scimitars of Wind and Fire; Nevan, the demonic electric guitar; B, the set consisting of gloves and leggings capable of devastating everything with fists.
Each weapon can be upgraded and take advantage of new and devastating actions by spending the red orbs recovered in battle. In addition, Dante's six combat modes will allow him different approaches in the fight by providing a completely personal style of play to the player who will venture into the challenge of Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition.
The available fighting styles are: Trickster, the trickster, which allows you to dodge enemy attacks and add new moves to the set; Swordmaster, the sword master, who adds new combos to be ringed to the previous ones making Dante even more lethal; Gunslinger, which allows you to take advantage of additional combos with firearms; Royalguard, the royal guard, which allows Dante to parry and reflect the blows of the opponents. During his climb, by beating the Bosses, Dante will also be able to learn: Quicksilver, which allows him to play with time, e Doppelganger which creates a double of the protagonist.
To this chaos of weapons, styles and combos, the possibility of transforming the protagonist, after passing a certain point of the adventure, into a complete demon that will allow the player to vent all his anger with great joy must still be added. But the surprises of Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition for Nintendo Switch begin only now: the title in fact, while enjoying a perfect transposition and loading times reduced to the bone (thanks also to a very dated but not bothering graphics), brings a breath of fresh air by introducing several innovations.
Now the protagonist of Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition, by selecting the Freestyle mode at the beginning of the adventure, will be able to change weapons and fighting style in real time during the course of the adventure, without having to select everything at the beginning of the chapter or get to a statue like in Normal mode. This small but substantial variation actually offers even more depth and fun to an already fantastic gameplay. Another interesting novelty (although not least), the Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition introduces the possibility of fighting in co-op on the same screen - impersonating both the demonic brothers - simply by separating the Joy-Con.
We will then face 9999 floors full of opponents inside the palace of Blood sharing the experience with a friend. This feature, available practically from the very beginning of the game, offers a mode full of frenzy and able to return hours of fun.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is a title that in terms of enjoyment does not sin in any aspect, but offering a dated graphic sector could make someone turn up their noses. Unfortunately, since it is a faithful transposition of the original chapter, polygonal models and backdrops have remained unchanged over time and are quite affected by the weight of the years. Even the camera remains the original one showing its side - today as then - and proving fallacious in many excited moments.
It must be said that the final result is not affected that much, even if making a comparison with the most current games the difference immediately catches the eye. The hard rock soundtrack remains unchanged and valuable and remains a must of the genre.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition lands on Nintendo Switch in all its glory, proving not to be affected too much by the passing years. While wearing dated graphics, the gameplay offers hours of joy to lovers of fast-paced action. In an irreverent and aggressive context - and with a story that winks at the raw soul present in all players of the genre - Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition returns refreshed and embellished with important innovations. A practically obligatory purchase for action lovers and for those who have not had the pleasure of savoring Devil May Cry 3 in its original 2006 guise.
► Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition is a Beat 'em up-Shooter-Fighting scrolling-Adventure-Arcade game developed and published by Capcom for PC and Nintendo Switch, the video game was released on 23/05/2006 The version for Nintendo Switch came out on 20/02/2020