This guide is only intended to guide you towards completing the game. If you are looking for information regarding Blue Orb locations / Secret Missions check the respective FAQs:
- Omega Blue Orb locations
- Omega Secret Missions
All information given is based on a game played on 'Acchiappademoni' difficulty. The commands refer to the Standard configuration.
Mission # 01 - Elective affinities |
Boss: Man dressed in red |
As this is the first mission of the game, a small Tutorial * is shown which aims to illustrate how to perform basic actions. Follow the instructions and soon the actual fight with the intruder will begin. This is a far from difficult battle, dodge his attacks and use Nero's right arm to eliminate him quickly.
* These small boxes will appear whenever the game deems it appropriate to explain how to perform certain actions and / or the functions of certain objects.
Mission # 02 - La Porte De l'Enfer |
Boss: Berial |
Go to the square and take care of the Scarecrows, when you are done continue towards the gates to the north, on the right you will find a door that leads to the Warehouse. As soon as you enter the new area the camera shows you the position of a golden sphere, be sure to collect it before continuing to the upper floor; past the short corridor you will be forced to face a handful of Scarecrow, get them out of the way and move on. From the balcony, take the door on your side to find yourself in the Cathedral. Go down, in the South corner, beyond a grate, you can get a Vital Star S thanks to the Snatch of the Devil Bringer; head to the back of the room and examine the light column to get Maleficent Legacy: now you can use the DB to reach previously inaccessible areas thanks to handholds called Grim Grip.
Position yourself on the pedestal in the center of the room and use it to reach the upper floor of the Cathedral, do not go immediately to the door, go around and collect the red sphere using the wall as a support for the double jump. Once you exit on Terrace / Commercial District use the Grim Grip to reach the balcony and continue to the left, a second Grim Grip will take you to another terrace where you will find two Scarecrows to welcome you, when you have taken care of them use the Grim Grip to reach the next terrace, get out of the way of other Scarecrows and continue towards the residential district. Go downstairs and kill the Scarecrows, along the way find a giant red crystal, hit it to get orbs. A little further on you will find a wooden turret, climb on it and wait a few seconds to get hidden spheres, then advance towards the Port of Caerula. On the left there is a red sphere (due to the camera it is not notable), go to the dock on the left and via the Grim Grip move to the dock in front of you and enter the building. Eliminate the Scarecrow and activate the switch to clear the passage to the door on the upper floor, enter the latter and examine the button to lower the bridge and create a passage to the next area. Go back and continue towards the First Mining Area, collect the red orbs in the hollow to the right of the screen and reach the upper floor; if you want to buy some items / upgrades to the statue before heading to the Ferrum Hills, where you will collide with the second Boss of the game: Berial.
Boss: Berial
Degree of difficulty: Easy / Medium
Strategy -
Two approaches can be taken to defeat this Demon. The first is highly secure, but long and requires the Charge Shot skill; the second is faster, but the risk of taking damage is greater.
Keep your distance, just dodging and targeting Berial with Charge Shot.
Use the Hell Bound to reach his head and damage him, repeat the process until he staggers; when he is in this state deal a few hits, jump and use the Buster to lift him and knock him to the ground, you will have time to land a couple more hits and use the Buster a second time. When you notice that it is reviving the flames, move away immediately, as restoring them will cause an explosion. Once his health has dropped to around 50% he will start charging you from afar, stand sideways as soon as he prepares the attack to avoid it. The columns of fire he summons from the ground can be avoided simply by running. If you need energy, make Berial break the houses in the area, they release green orbs.
After defeating Berial, go up and enter the mine to complete the mission.
Mission # 03 - The white wing |
Boss: — |
This mission begins in the Second Mining Area, swerve left at the second fork to reach a giant red crystal, then continue right to face some Scarecrows and a large area with Grim Grip. Climb to the top and head north, be sure to collect the Vital Star S which is located a few steps from the mine exit, on the left.
Walk up the side of the mountain making a small detour to the left to take the red orb, then advance to the cutscene that shows you a new member of the legions of hell: Frost. This is not too difficult an enemy, use the Buster and press circle to perform bonus gyrations (even better if you manage to stun the other Frost with this move). Should they close in an ice shell, be quick to hit them with the Red Queen, you will stop the regeneration process. When you have dealt with the nuisances go up on the four columns in the area, on two of them you will find red spheres; finally go to the bridge and reach the entrance of the Castle.
In the Great Hall you can't do much at the moment due to the barriers, so head to one of the two doors on either side of the hall and enter the Great Hall, then west to the Torture Chamber. Here you will be blocked by a handful of Scarecrow / Frost, take care of them and continue towards the spiral staircase that takes you to the upper level of the area; now pay attention, your aim is to reach a crack in the wall on the right, and to do this you must use a Grim Grip series, before listing them I make a clarification: after grabbing a Grim Grip you must immediately grab the next one, if by mistake you drop when you grab the Grim Grip you will climb upwards ending up against the spikes, which in addition to damaging you send you back downstairs, forcing you to face the Scarecrow again.
a) Fly over the entire room and come to the opposite side.
b) The second Grim Grip takes you to a small ledge to the left of the screen.
c) Two Grim Grips, the second moves. When it is close to aligning with the first one, grab them to reach the other platform.
d) Three Grim Grips that appear and disappear. As soon as the one closest to you materializes, grab it, then grab the next ones.
e) Two Grim Grips, the first disappears. When he materializes grab him and move to the next platform.
f) Three Grim Grips, the second moves. When it is lining up grab.
Continue towards the door and you will find yourself in the Great Hall, head towards the door to the left of the portrait to reach the central courtyard and advance until you reach the Foris Waterfalls. From here go back to the central courtyard from the opposite side and make your way again to the Great Hall, on the right activate the blue switch to remove the barriers, on the top of a raised part in its proximity you can collect a Holy Water thanks to the Snatch ; once taken, enter the door next to the mirror, it will take you to the Gallery. Eliminate the Scarecrow and go out the other side to reach the Library, go to the end and enter the door on the right, after a cutscene you will have to deal with White Angel: a frontal fight is not the smartest choice, as it protects from shield attacks (you can always destroy it but it's a waste of time), attack it from behind with Red Queen / Buster. When you have defeated the opponents, examine the area to collect the Mercurial Soul and complete the mission.
Mission # 04 - In Cold Blood |
Boss: Bael |
Activate the Gyro Sword with the Devil Bringer and use it to break the seal blocking the door. Return to the Gallery, you will clash with Scarecrow and Frost, if you want to test the strength of the Gyro-swords hit the one located at the back of the room with the sword and then with the Buster, you should be able to clean up quickly. Go back to the Great Hall and use the Gyro Sword again to destroy the sepulcher in the center of the area, revealing a ramp (currently deactivated), you can't do anything here at the moment so head to the Great Hall. In the center of the area there are two Gyro-swords, activate one and move it to the West to break the wall that hides the third Gyro-sword, now bring them both back to the center of the room and place them on the pedestals (you can move one Gyro-sword at a time ), some Scarecrows will appear, but you shouldn't have a problem getting rid of them. When you have them in place go to the east side of the room, you will notice that the fourth Gyro-sword is behind a gate, to reach it enter the next door [Dining room], where some White Angels are waiting for you. After eliminating them go to the corridor, there is a device that prevents you from continuing by throwing fireballs, you must use the Gyro-sword that you find below as a shield (the shot does not help at all), go down the corridor and destroy the device with the Gyro-sword, enter the door and you will find yourself in the Great Hall, beyond the gate. Kill the enemies and activate the blue switch to open the gate, put the last Gyro Sword in its place in the circle in the center of the hall and take the newly cleared passage. Get ready for the fight with the third Boss.
Boss: Bael
Degree of difficulty: Middle
Strategy -
At the start of the fight your opponents will be the Rusalka Twins, hit them both until Bael appears, dodge the attack by rolling and a short cutscene takes place. This Boss's attacks are simple enough to avoid:
a) Jump = The landing spot is indicated by its shadow.
b) Rain of quills = Also indicated by a small shadow, just run / roll to avoid them.
c) Breath of ice = Bael swells up before launching this attack, to avoid it stand on his side and attack.
d) Chew = He tries to make you his snack. Use this move if you hit him head-on, in the mouth, or when the Rusalka Twins freeze you. In case it should catch you, frantically press the left analog stick + all the buttons to free yourself.
Its weak point is the tongue but the frontal attack is not the safest way to damage it, you can use the Hell Bound to score some aerial combo or concentrate on the sides of the body and the frozen back. After he takes enough damage, Bael will pass out, allowing you to land a few extra hits and use the Buster's special move. When the end of the fight nears (meaning he will have taken massive damage), Bael will vanish into the fog sending you back against the Rusalka Twins. Now they can damage you with blades, they will also try to freeze you, so be careful (especially if they approach you with their arms wide open, shoot / flee until they finish it).
When you have defeated Bael, exit the courtyard to complete the mission.
Mission # 05 - Trisagion |
Boss: — |
At the beginning of the mission you will encounter a new type of enemy: Mephisto. To eliminate them hit them with the Snatch / Buster and after a few hits their cloak will disappear, allowing you to damage them with the sword. Head towards the staircase and enter the door, you will find yourself in the Master's Chamber; Kill the White Angels and make your way to the Torture Chamber. Activate the blue switch and use the Gyro Sword to destroy the obelisk on the other side of the room, destroying the floor. Throw yourself into the opening, take care of the Mephisto and collect the winged Talisman, thanks to it you can take advantage of the ramps that will allow you to climb. Before using the ramp be sure to examine the Well to discover: a giant red crystal, a Vital Star S and a Holy Water. Back in the Torture Chamber, eliminate the enemies and return to the Great Hall, use the ramp in the center to reach the chandelier, attack with the Red Queen or examine to start a short cutscene; enter the gap you created, go down the stairs and snatch the Vital Star S from the cell on the left before continuing to the underground laboratory and complete the mission.
Mission # 06 - Resurrection |
Boss: Agnus |
Advance, jump down and enter the door to reach the Research Department. After a few steps, the Cutlass will enter the scene: to defeat this sort of hooked sharks, shoot and when they come out of the underground catch them with the Snatch. As soon as you have finished, continue towards the games room, in this room you will have to solve a rather unusual puzzle, your aim is to make the 'Black pawn' reach the last square, to move it you have to hit the die; below is explained what happens when the pawn stops on the various squares:
a) White = Nothing.
b) Red = Enemies or lasers.
c) Blue = Rain of red / green spheres.
d) Yellow = You move to the yellow square it is linked to.
When you clear the path, the door leading to the Katana Hall will become accessible, allowing you to challenge the Boss.
Boss: Agnus
Degree of difficulty: Easy
Strategy -
You have to break the glass that separates you from Agnus. Grab the Gladius with the Snatch and use the Buster to throw them. When you hear the alarm sound, move to the small central elevation to avoid being damaged by the electrified floor.
After the cutscene sequence you will get the Yamato, this sword allows you to activate the Devil Trigger mode: while the aforementioned state is activated your attacks will inflict more damage (even the special ones made with the Buster), and your health regenerates as it passes weather. Exit the room, activate the blue switch in front of you, go up the stairs and enter the door that leads to the Creation area of the Angel, where several White Angels await you. Eliminate them, go to the other side of the room, deal with the second wave and exit. You are back in the Underground Laboratory, examine the control panel next to you to open the gate and activate the red ramps. Now return to the Great Hall, then head towards the Foris Falls. Here go down the stairs, take the Vital Star S above the fountain, cross the bridge and go through the tunnel to reach the forest and start the sequence that marks the end of the mission.
Mission # 07 - Echidna |
Boss: Echidna |
Examine the area, you can find a giant red crystal and a Vital Star M (to get the latter take a small leap from the crevice in the hollow trunk and use the Snatch). In the next area [Valley of the Winds], get the Holy Water on the highest ledge before going down and facing the Chimera Seed, which are not too difficult opponents. The only way currently viable is represented by the stairs, so go up them and reach the ruined church. Take a few steps to get to know Chimera Scarecrow, a monster born from the union of a Chimera Seed and a Scarecrow: use the 'hit and run' tactic when facing them, the blades that can spin at any moment are a real thorn in the side; Break the glass on the right to access seeds containing red orbs, when you have everything, go up the stairs and activate the blue switch to make platforms appear, be quick to walk them, they disappear as the next ones appear. Reached the other side of the room enter the door to find yourself in the Valley of the ruin, use the two Grim Grips and activate the blue switch to make the platforms appear, as soon as you step on the first 2 Mephisto will appear, I suggest you defeat them before going platforms, if by mistake you fall into the void you will have to face a handful of enemies before going back up (the defeated Mephistos, fortunately, will not reappear). Once you reach the Lapis River, head towards the only exit available in the Northwest. In the new area, eliminate the Chimera and continue towards the Valley of the Winds, here use the Gyro Sword to get rid of the walls. In the Valley of Ruin you will have to escape from a dragon, don't waste time destroying the seeds. Go to the Forgotten Ruins and break the seeds near the statue if you need energy. Get ready for the boss fight.
Boss: Echidna
Degree of difficulty: Easy
Strategy -
Attack her with aerial combos until she is stunned, then unleash the special attack with the Buster. When he lifts on the ground, deliver a couple of blows to the part of the body where the Chimera Seed come out and use the Buster again. Lost most of the energy will begin to glow yellow but do not be alarmed, simply continue to rage until you defeat it. If you need energy, break the seeds.
After the fight you will get the Fruit of Life, an object that allows you to dispel those bizarre trees that block some passages. Go to the one indicated by the frame and complete the mission.
Mission # 08 - Profession of faith |
Boss: Angelo Credo |
Continue along the path until you meet some Chimeras, once you have eliminated, remove the tree and continue towards the Lapis River. From here head to the ancient square, where the Assaults are waiting for you, to eliminate them quickly lift them in the air or attack them from behind. When you have taken care of it, return to the ruined church, the camera will show you a tree, get it out of the way and continue towards the mysterious forest. Here you reach the intersection with four paths: go in the opposite direction to that indicated by the shadow, past the area you will be back at the Forgotten Ruins, do not go down, head towards the Training Camp and the Grand Album Bridge, follow it in all its length until the cutscene starts.
Boss: Angelo Credo
Degree of difficulty: Middle
Strategy -
The best thing you can do is dodge his attacks and counterattack, try to get behind him to land a few hits then use the Buster. Eventually he will lose his shield, allowing you to safely land some attacks, and deal even more damage with the Buster
Advance to complete the mission.
Mission # 09 - For you |
Boss: Angelo Agnus |
Advance to the Headquarters entrance to meet High Angelo, an enhanced version of Bianco Angelo. I suggest you take him out first, as the combined attacks he is capable of with White Angels are quite annoying. Entered the Great Hall examine the upper right corner to get a Demonic Star S, go straight and examine the button to start a scene, back in the Great Hall head towards the door that has just opened, paying attention to the lasers. Arrived in the Chamber of the key eliminate the enemies and collect the Key of Kronos, examine the strange device in the center to slow down the time and overcome the lasers. Activate the blue switch to summon the elevator, your aim is to reach the top, paying attention to the enemies / lasers that will stop you from time to time:
a) First stop = Scarecrow.
b) Second stop = Frost.
c) Third stop = Assault
Once on the top floor, collect the green sphere and get ready for another fight with the Boss.
Boss: Angelo Agnus
Degree of difficulty: Medium / Difficult
Strategy -
Agnus is back, much more pain in the ass than before. Summon the Gladius and Cutlass to lend a hand during the fight. Throw the former at him and ignore the latter when you hear him say the phrase "Your power will be mine!" it means that he is preparing to absorb your energy, prevent him from attacking him. Fireballs shouldn't be a problem. Attack him until he is stunned and use the Buster, when he has lost about half energy he will charge his most powerful attack, you will understand that he is about to charge him with the exclamation "Time to die!", Reach him as quickly as you can and attack him to interrupt execution. Pay particular attention to his spin attack with the Gladius, try to get as far away as possible when he unleashes it. If you need energy, break the cages or try to eliminate his subordinates.
Mission # 10 - Glorified |
Boss: Dante Alighieri |
Head back to the elevator, where an enhanced version of Mephisto: Faust awaits. The strategy to be applied is the same, Snatch / Buster until he loses the cape, then Red Queen away. On the second floor, go to the elevator, avoid the lasers and activate the blue switch to remove the barrier and go down to the ground floor. Return to the Great Hall and cross the bridge to reach the Security Corridor area, use the Kronos Key to overcome the lasers and continue, go down below (avoiding the rotating blades), get out of Faust and the two Mephistos and slow down time. with the key, use the blades to reach the south door. In the Experiment Disposal area three White Angels are waiting for you, take care of them and continue towards the elevator, examine it to activate it and go upstairs. Once in the Meeting Room, eliminate the Tall and White Angels and walk down the corridor to reach the Ascension Chamber, where the Boss awaits you.
Boss: Dante Alighieri
Degree of difficulty: Difficult
Strategy -
This time Dante will use all his moves to try to defeat you. Since it is a fairly quick opponent I tell you the simplest method to win the fight:
Jump-> Shoot some shots with Blue Rose-> As soon as he returns fire grab with Snatch-> Buster
Repeat until you zero his energy.
Mission # 11 - The ninth round |
Boss: Sanctus |
Go up the stairs, reach the top activate the blue switch to reveal some Grim Grips, use them to go up and eliminate the enemies, then use the elevator. Ignore the teleportation (it takes you back to the beginning) and continue to the right, use the Grim Grips until you reach a blue switch, eliminate the High Angel and activate it to make other Gim Grips appear, arrived at the upper floor examine the button to activate the elevator, take out the enemies then go down until you reach the elevator. Stock up on items / upgrades to the statue, climb the elevator and get ready to challenge Sanctus.
Boss: Sanctus
Degree of difficulty: Difficult
Strategy -
Before you can inflict damage on Sanctus, you must remove its two barriers. Hook the two contraptions that he has below with the Hell Bound, so as to always be close to him and hit the barriers, continue to press him and when he falls to the ground unarmed deal 3 hits then use the Buster to devastate him. Its fireballs and electric discharges can easily be avoided with Roll / Table Hopper. When he has received enough damage a cutscene sequence will start and the Savior will join the fight, dodge his punches with jumps / rolls and when Sanctus reappears repeat the process.