You have recently taken the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 4, fourth chapter of the homonymous signed saga Capcom, and you want to complete it 100%, getting all the trophies? Here are some tips to reach the goal!
- Easy Come Easy Go - Complete all missions in human mode;
- Done and finished - Complete all missions in Apple Catcher mode
- Not Easy - complete all missions in child of sparda mode;
- Kneeling in front of you - complete all missions in Dante Must Die Mode;
- Toward the light - complete all missions in heaven or hell mode;
- Tonight we will dine in hell - complete all missions in hell and hell mode;
- Best of all - complete all missions in human mode with an S rating;
- Better than others - complete all missions in Devil May Cry 4 in acchiappademoni mode with grade S;
- Crazy things - complete all missions in child of sparda mode with an S rating;
- I said everything - complete all secret missions;
- Beginner stud-catcher - defeat 100 enemies;
- Expert Academic - defeat 1.000 enemies;
- Smokin '! - complete a combo with a style grade S;
- Smokin 'Style! - complete a combo with an SS style grade;
- Smokin 'Sick Style! - complete a combo with an SSS style grade;
- Where eagles dare - complete all missions in Mythical Dark Knight mode;
- Demon in blue - complete the entire game with Vergil;
- Fatal couple - complete the whole game with Lady and Trish;
- Prince of the Palace - complete all levels of Palace of Blood mode as Nero
- Divine Comedy - complete all levels of the Palace of Blood mode with Dante;
- Will is power - complete all levels of Palace of Blood mode with Vergil;
- Bazooka Baby - complete all levels of Palace of Blood mode with Lady
- Lady of the light - complete all levels of the Palace of Blood mode with Trish;
- Fast and furious - complete all levels of the Palace of Blood mode in Turbo mode;
- Lower the ridge - defeat Dante with the SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- Fireman - defeat Berial with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- Ranicide - Defeat Bael or Dagon with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- Bearer - defeat Echidna with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- Twisted - defeat Angelo Credo with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- For science! - defeat Angelo Agnus with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- False prophet - defeat the Savior with SSS rating in Son of Sparda mode or higher;
- Mass demonicide - defeat ten enemies within one second.
- There is no mention of death - Complete all missions in Devil May Cry 4 in Dante mode he must die with S grade;
- Skill Collector: Black - Acquire all of Nero's skills
- Skill Collector: Dante - Acquire all of Dante's skills;
- I am legend - complete all missions in Mythical Dark Knight mode with an S rating;
- Merciless Efficiency - Complete all levels of the palace of blood mode within 2 hours
- Legendary Big Apple Catcher - defeat 10.000 enemies.
- A throne of glory - complete all game modes of Devil May Cry 4;
- The king of the palace - Complete all levels of Palace of Blood mode with an S rating;
- Palace party - complete all levels of Palace of Blood mode with all characters;
- Untouchable - Defeat Dante in Palace of Blood mode without taking damage.
- Demons don't cry - get all trophies of Devil May Cry 4.
► Devil May Cry 4 is an Adventure-scrolling Beat 'em up game developed and published by Capcom for PC, iOS, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 31/01/2008 The version for PC came out on 08/07/2008 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 23/06/2015 The version for Xbox One came out on 23/06/2015