During the event dedicated to PlayStation 5 held last week, between one announcement and another, Sony has inserted the trailer for Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition. Not everyone would have expected a new version of the popular hack 'n slash, considering its release was just over a year ago..
Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition, however, will be made and can be played already on the day of the PlayStation 5 day. The special edition will add new content like the ability to use Virgil as a playable character, but also Turbo mode, Legendary Dark Knight difficulty, and raytracing support. Those who do not purchase Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition on the next generation consoles will still be able to get the new playable character, but it must be purchased as a DLC. PC users, on the other hand, will surely have noticed that, during this week, there has been no mention of the release of the title on this platform.
Precisely for this reason, Capcom, issuing a statement to Eurogamer, explained that at the moment the software house is focusing exclusively on the version for PS5 and Xbox Series X. The same company, therefore, confirms that Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition is not expected on PC, but it cannot be ruled out that it may change its mind in the future.