Doom on a Nintendo console is a bit like bringing together the devil and holy water. The last chapter of the series, Doom Eternal, was expected on Nintendo Switch this spring, only to be postponed by a silence that lasted months and decidedly uncertain answers from Id Software and Bethesda.
A few days ago, then, the confirmation arrived: Doom Eternal arrives on Nintendo Switch on December 8th. Panic Button needed a little more time to figure out how to best bring the demonic shooter to the hybrid console of Nintendo, despite other titles like Doom (2016) or Wolfenstein, given the leap forward made by the series in recent years.
Senior producer Cody Nicewarner and lead engineer Travis Archer responded to Nintendo Everything's microphones about it:
When we took over the project they knew Doom Eternal would require every drop of experience we had. We had practical experience with the idTech engine, and therefore with games like Doom, Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus and Wolfenstein: Youngblood, but Doom Eternal is on another level. Marty Stratton and Hugo Martin have said it's one of the most ambitious projects in Id Software's history, and we can't help but agree more.
Of course, the difficulties of working from home affected, but nevertheless Doom Eternal has established itself as the most difficult title to bring to Switch, where it will take advantage of the Joy-Con gyroscope, so it will be interesting to see it in action both on TV and in portable mode.
Meanwhile, Doom Eternal has proved to be one of the most popular titles on other consoles, so much so that it is in the running for Game of the Year for The Game Awards 2020 and paradoxically challenges Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In fact, there are numerous funny images that portray the characters of the two brands back to back.
Source: Nintendo Everything