Doom Eternal has been available for months now on previous generation platforms. However, the Nintendo Switch port has been delayed to a later date starting from last year and, despite Id Software promising good progress, there has been no indication of a release date. For this reason, when rumors began to circulate about the cancellation of pre-orders on Gamestop's part, consumers were rightly concerned.
DOOM Eternal will therefore arrive on Switch, but only digitally. Speaking to IGN, a Bethesda spokesperson said, “While DOOM Eternal is 100% on track for an upcoming digital-only release on the Nintendo Switch, the absence of a retail physical version has resulted in pre-orders being canceled. ". Those who have booked the physical version will receive "full refunds".
This doesn't bring us any closer to the title's release date, but at least it's still on the way. It should be interesting to see if the DLC The Ancient Gods, Part 1 of which is currently available, will be included with the Switch port. For now we will have to keep waiting.
DOOM Eternal is currently available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, and Google Stadia. In the future, it will receive free updates for Xbox Series X / S and PS5.