January 2021 is a month that many of us are waiting for for myriad reasons, and we don't see why the new Pokémon GO events could not be among them.
Here is a quick list of what we can expect:
- you will meet Chansey throughout January as Special Research
- new Collection Challenges will arrive, convenient guides to understand how to best deal with certain Pokémon during certain events
Several Pokémon will be included in 5-Star Raids and Mega-Raids for each week of January:
- Ho-Oh, January 1st to 5th
- Genesect, from 5 to 12
- Heatran, from 12 to 19
- Kyogre and Groudon, from 19 to 26
Ho-Oh, Heatran, Kyogre and Groudon they can appear in their Shiny form in their respective 5-Star Raids and the last of these Raids will start on January 26 but its content, according to Niantic, is not yet time to be revealed.
As regards the Mega Raid, Niantic has confirmed that Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blastoise and Mega Abomasnow will soon appear in Pokémon GO; the 19th will then be the debut of a new Mega Evolution, coming together with Mega Venusaur and Mega Houndoom.
Another interesting event will be the Hour Pokémon Spotlight, running every Thursday from 6 pm (local time): during these events some Pokémon will be the center of attention and will allow you to earn double the amount of certain items.
Here are the Pokémon and the objects associated with them, with relative date:
- January 5: Lillipup (double Stardust)
- January 12: Drifloon (double XP)
- January 19th: Shroomish (double Candies)
- January 26: Phanpy (double Candy for each Pokémon transferred)
Finally on January 5th a series of Seasonal Celebrations which, through Pokémon GO, will pay tribute to Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn and Johto, increasing the possibility of spawning of their respective regional Pokémon.
► Pokémon GO is an Arcade-type game developed and published by Niantic for Android and iOS, the video game was released on 06/07/2016
If you own the game, don't miss our latest faq: Pokémon Go - Alola Shapes Guide