Ubisoft has recently confirmed that its white weapon fighting game, For Honor, will land on next gen thanks to a free update for the new consoles.
According to what can be read on the pages of the game's official website, For Honor will run on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in 4K and 60 fps, while for Xbox Series S owners the title will have a resolution of 1080p. Furthermore, the passage of data from the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions to the next gen ones has also been confirmed.
Warriors, catch up on our plans for next gen graphical enhancements, 60 FPS, and transitioning current gen players here: https://t.co/zQ5HPKAjqr! pic.twitter.com/NMpynyxopy
- For Honor (@ForHonorGame) October 8, 2020
Ubisoft also kept us informed that the stable 60 fps frame rate will not arrive immediately, but only following an update that will be released in December. with For Honor Year 4 Season 4; update that will also improve the overall experience. We therefore only have to wait for the release of the new consoles, scheduled for next month, to be able to try Ubisoft's surprising title on the next gen.
► For Honor is an Action-type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 14/02/2017
For Honor is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the For Honor Review