Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint brought a lot of interesting gameplay changes, including some new and unprecedented classes. As told in our review, these, together with the traits, will serve asspecialize our character and style of play. While it may be marginal in appearance, if you play solo, it becomes crucial in co-op and especially in Ghost War, the competitive mode of the new Ubisoft game.
Let's see in detail the new classes of Ghost Recon Breakpoint.
This class is perfect for those who love to play on the front lines. His special technique, Grit, reduces the recoil of the weapon and increases resistance to damage. The duration of this effect increases by killing enemies. The class object, the gas grenade, produces damage in a defined area and causes damage over time. The assault brings with it further positive effects including extra health and bonuses in case you use them assault rifles e shotgun.
If you love to carefully select your targets one by one then this is the class for you. The special technique, Armor Breaker, supplies our bullet magazine with high piercing power with increased damage and muzzle speed. Through sensor launchers you will place a device capable of marking enemies over a large area. The shooter brings with him additional positive effects including a longer breath control and bonuses in case you use them sniper rifles e DMR.
For those who love stealth play and remain anonymous this is definitely the right class. The special technique, Sudden Escape, allows you to disappear after the launch of a smoke bomb and, through the concealment spray, you become invisible to drones. The panther class brings with it additional positive effects including bonus health, more movement speed, pistol and SMG damage are not reduced by the use of the silencer and bonuses if you use assault rifles and shotguns.
Field doctor
Great support that perfectly complements any ghost team. His Healing Drone heals and revives teammates while the Medic kit removes injuries and generates extra health. The field doctor class brings with it further positive effects including faster resuscitation, fast body transport and the ability to revive oneself.
Well, we've given you a basic overview of the classes featured in Ghost Recon Breakpoint. There is no best but only the most suitable for which you find your way.
► Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is a Shooter type game developed and published by Ubisoft for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 04/10/2019
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Breakpoint review