Raise your hand if you would like to be able to play a God of War 2 remaster in 4K and with active ray tracing. A lot, right? Here, this news covers (at least partially) the a dream shared by half of the video game community.
The user Sanadsk has in fact published, on his Youtube channel, a video representing the second nominal chapter of the Kratos saga rendered at native 2160p and RT smeared on every surface. A lot of stuff, considering that it's been about thirteen years since the adventure has delighted PS2 trays all over the world.
Originally released on PlayStation 2 back in 2007, God of War 2 is certainly one of the most loved chapters of the SIE Santa Monica Studio saga.
But now no more chatter: immediately below you can take a look at what has been created, shaped using Reshade and, in particular, the RTGI filter created by Pascal Glitcher.
And you, how would you improve a work that at the time reached qualitative heights not even remotely imaginable for most of the productions? Please let us know in the comment section below.
► God of War II is a sliding-adventure platform-fighting game published by Sony Capcom for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 2, the video game was released on 13/03/2007