Grand Theft Auto VI, between clues and approximate release dates, has a 'not indifferent inheritance to be respected, that of a GTA V that still has a lot to teach today and it is above all the sales to prove it.
La next-gen in progress, although lived in fits and starts due to the lack of availability of PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, does not mean and must not only mean progress on a graphic level but, hopefully, also an evolution in terms of mechanics and game design . It is a very delicate speech, because in certain aspects of the videogame things "done well" are rarely noticed, but leaving ample room for the titles that perhaps fail less in those aspects.
Let's take this question for example NPC: there are many excellent titles on NPC management and behavior, but they don't get praise for it; the various titles that do not obtain a result of this depth are quickly recognized and derided, even heavily.
One of the software houses that most seems to want to focus on a revolution (or at least an evolution) of the NPC factor is, without any surprise, Rockstar. In theApril 2019 Rockstar's parent company, Take-Two Interactive, has registered a patent for an NPC management system, an algorithm that allows greater control over their movements and general behavior.
This new system, which without too much fear we could expect implemented in GTA VI, is called "System and Method for virtual navigation in a video game environment": Ok, it's not the most fashionable name ever, but it puts the spotlight on the possibility of better" spatial "management of vehicles, game assets that are much more easily recognizable as" fake "when it seems to behave strangely .
Thanks to this patent, vehicles will not only be able to understand where they are going and at what speed, but also how much space will be needed to, for example, take a bend, reverse, change lanes, how much to slow down to stop at a red light, etc. Apply this concept to NPCs and you can imagine the effect: subtle, sure, but it would greatly contribute to theimmersiveness of a title.
We do not stop there, however, because the patent suggests that much of this potential could be given by a "connection to a network", a detail that makes us think of a GTA VI with an even more massive online multiplayer component than it did. from the fifth chapter or, something slightly more terrifying, a completely online game, a hypothetical ghost of that “always online” of Microsoft's memory.
Regardless of the practical effect that we will see, in the application of this patent, it is necessary that it is managed in the best possible way and that it finds its place in the current state of things, so to speak: the internet infrastructure is not yet as ubiquitous as it should and still is, for many, it suffers from stability problems, a situation that, at least in the short term, does not give hope for an excessively rosy future for video games that want to establish themselves in an “always on-line” ecosystem.
► Grand Theft Auto V is an Adventure-Action game developed and published by Rockstar Games for PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 17/09/2013 The version for PC came out on 14/04/2015 The version for PlayStation 4 came out on 18/11/2014 The version for Xbox One came out on 18/11/2014
Grand Theft Auto V is not a game worth buying - we decided to rate it with a %, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Grand Theft Auto V Review