Worried about the (almost) complete lack of news regarding Halo Infinite? Keep calm, word of 343 Industries.
The software house based in Redmond, development team responsible for the Microsoft shooter franchise following the departure of Bungie, expressed through Brian Jarrard, its community manager, reassuring words about: substantial updates on the project will arrive, even on a monthly basis.
Not only. Jarrard pointed out that the first of these updates will arrive later this week, focusing his attention on the sandbox and the team of people behind the development of this very important element.
We remember that Halo Infinite is confirmed, as well as for PC and Xbox Series X | S, also for Xbox One. Some time ago the rumor had spread that the project would never see the light on the past-gen console of Microsoft, rumor promptly denied.
La Halo Infinite's release date remains set for this Fall. Expect copious updates as they become available.
► Halo Infinite is a Shooter type game developed by 343 Industries and published by Microsoft Studios for PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series X, the video game will be released on 30/09/2021 (in 224 days)