Guerrilla Games reassures fans about the release of this highly anticipated sequel.
Yesterday we were able to admire a full-bodied gameplay video of Horizon Forbidden West during Sony's State of Play but there was no official launch date for the new title. Guerrilla Games a few minutes after the conclusion of the event reassured the fans through a tweet from their official account:
Thanks for watching our #HorizonForbiddenWest gameplay reveal! We don't have an exact release date just yet, but development is on track and we will have an update for you very soon - thank you as always for your ongoing support!
- Guerrilla (@Guerrilla) May 27, 2021
Thanking fans for watching the gameplay video, the tweet confirms that for now Horizon Forbidden West does not have a specific launch date but indicates that there will be updates very soon.
For the moment, therefore, let's enjoy the gameplay video but we can be sure to have other news soon, possibly during the events for E3 2021, on Horizon Forbidden West and its launch date.
Considering that the release of the title is scheduled for 2021 and that Jim Ryan, PlayStation CEO, has been quite optimistic about respecting this timing, we can only be sure of receiving new updates and confirmations in the coming months.
We remember that Horizon Forbidden West is exclusive to PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 and will be released in the course of 2021.
► Horizon Forbidden West is an RPG-Adventure game developed by Guerrilla Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, The release is scheduled: 2021