Among the myriad of activities that can be followed in Red Dead Redemption 2 there is the inevitable fishing. However, it is not easy to grab all the species of the Red Dead fish fauna: there are in fact the so-called legendary fish.
Each of these can only be found in specific lakes or rivers on the map: with this guide we will make it easier for you to find them within the Rockstar Games title.
In the second chapter of the plot, you will be able to unlock a series of missions thanks to John Marston. After the third mission of Marston's vein, another icon will appear prompting you to go talk to Abigail. He will ask you to take Jack fishing and, after completing the task, the fishing activity will be unlocked.
There are a total of 14 Legendary Fish that you can find without needing any particular conditions, however there is a secondary mission through which you can unlock a map that will show you all the places to find them.
On the northeastern shore of Flat Iron Lake you will meet Jeremy Gill, a collector, who will give you a mission to follow along with the map in question. He will offer you a wage for each fish caught on the hook, so that you can portray it in his book.
The map that will be provided to you will look like this, with a small fish near where you can catch it:
To make it easier for you to catch a Legendary Fish, you will need the Legendary Lures. These, after talking to Gill, can be purchased at fishing shops in the larger cities for $ 20 each. There will be three types of bait: the specific one for lakes, one for swamps and one for rivers.
Below we list where you can find the Legendary Fish, along with the baits you will need to hook them:
Bluegill Moonfish - Lake Lure - You'll find the Bluegill near the east side of Flat Iron Lake, southwest of the map's "Rhodes" sign. You will need to head south of the small bay to the east of the small islands in the lake.
Bullhead Catfish - River Lure - You will need to head to Sisika Penitentiary on the east coast of Saint Denis. Your target will be in the waters between the two islands west of the penitentiary.
Catfish - This will be the fourteenth fish: you can catch it only after having caught the other 13, as it will have a secondary mission totally dedicated to it.
Chain Pickerel - River Lure - Located southwest of Horseshoe Overlook Field, northwest of Flatneck Station, where the Dakota River departs.
Large Sturgeon - Lure River - Can be found southwest of Saint Denis where the river west of the city begins to widen.
Largemouth Bass - Lake Bait - Although located in the San Luis River, lake bait will be needed. Go southeast of Don Julio Lake, south of Armadillo.
Longnose Gar - Swamp Lure - You will find the Gar in the south shore of Lake Lagras, north of Saint Denis.
Muskie - Lure River - East of Emerald Ranch, you can find Muskie on the south side, where Poste Van Horn is printed on the map.
Why - Lure Lake - Head to the Elysian Pool, northeast of Emerald Ranch.
Redfin Pickerel - Lure Lake - Go to Stillwater Creek, the westernmost river that runs from the Montana River west of Thieves Landing and east of MacFarlane Ranch.
Rock Bass - Lake Lure - It is located in the Aurora Basin, west of Blackwater.
Smallmouth Bass - Lure Lake - Located west of Strawberry, East Bay of Owanjila.
Sockeye Salmon - Lake Lure - It is found in the southernmost part of Lake Isabella, which is in the mountains northwest of Valentine.
Steelhead Trout - This fish is found at the edge of the map, in the northeast corner. The fish is found northeast of the Brandywine Drop, which itself is north of Annesburg at the beginning of the river.
► Red Dead Redemption 2 is an Adventure-Action type game developed and published by Rockstar Games for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 26/10/2018 The version for PC came out on 05/11/2019
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 100%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Review of Red Dead Redemption 2