Every now and then I think I suffer from Maladaptive Daydreaming, that is, I think I daydream; it happens to me more and more often surfing the internet when googling around the net, I find bizarre articles like “But do flying elephants exist? We will give you the answer! " It also happened to me in these days when I read an article by our national Savior, no not Salvatore Sirigu, but rather Salvatore Aranzulla titled "How to detoxify from video games".
Clearly I was daydreaming, because I don't want to believe we really got this far for two more visuals.
Now do not want me, respect for Salvatore Aranzulla is a lot, since he is now the number one source of help for the people even if it were 118; but you explain to me why to make a guide on "detoxification from video games" when those who suffer from it need much more important care than a simple "block downloads from your smartphone store". Respect first of all and it is precisely in this that the guide in question sins, minimizing what is in fact not a simple problem, but a sword of Damocles hanging on the head and ready to hiss along the head of the unfortunate person suffering from Ludopathy.
Yes, because Ludopathy, which in its various forms is now recognized as a serious illness in various countries of the world and byWHO, cannot be treated superficially by a ghost writer of Mr. Aranzulla, not so much because for the solemnity of the problem this does not have to be done, but because in a moment like the present one people do not need articles full of insensitivity, at most they would need closeness and affection. It is certainly not with “participation in fairs” or with “controlling the time of hours dedicated to games apps on iOS and Android” that diseases are treated or people are helped to metabolize a problem.
For this reason not only do I feel I can condemn the article itself, but I also condemn the lack of filtering that every newspaper or portal with a large sounding board should have in order to educate users so as not to fill them with bad information. To stop this negative trend therefore and also to show how in a goliardic way with words you can create greater damage than with facts, we recommend how to block toxic guides on video games such as the one proposed by Aranzulla. Here's how to do it:
- After opening your favorite browser (Firefox or Chrome) to block a site you need to install the BlockSite extension. Once the app is open, just write the name of the site you want to block and then give the ok.
- On Internet Explorer, on the other hand, the operation can be performed through a default service. To do this, just open your browser and go to Tools. At this point go to the Security item and then select the red icon that indicates the sites to be blocked. Once done we will have to manually enter the websites to be blocked, and then give the ok.
- As for devices with iOS support, on the other hand, it will be enough to create a black-list within the Parental Control function by manually entering the sites to be blocked.
- On devices with Android support, on the other hand, it will be better to use an application that allows us to modify the host file; therefore, using an application like ES File Explorer could be the right solution.
During the riots of '68 on the walls of the University of Nanterre it was written in English "Make love, do not make war", therefore following this philosophy we remind you that we do not want you to block anyone, but we want you to realize that the student spirit, superficiality and carelessness of details or lack of tact often hides ignorance and ignorance is the greatest seed behind the roots of chaos.