If this is your first experience with Resident Evil 2 Remake you may be wondering what difference it makes playing with Leon or with Claire and above all who are Hunk (4th Survivor) and Tofu.
The answer to the first question is very simple, playing with both protagonists of Resident Evil 2 Remake will lead to the unlocking of the complete ending of the title, but not only: we will also have the opportunity to play as Hunk and Tofu in two new modes.
But let's go immediately to see how to get the complete ending, the first and fundamental step to unlock the 4th survivor mode (Hunk) and Tofu.
Unlock the complete ending
Once you have finished your first run, regardless of whether the protagonist is Leon or Claire, it will be sufficient to start a new game by choosing the opposite character and the correct option:
You will not have to select "New Game" or "Continue" but theNew game option (2).
By completing the second game we will see the full ending of Resident Evil 2 Remake.
Play as 4th survivor as Hunk:
As in the original, also in Resident Evil 2 Remake there is the possibility to play with Hunk, an Umbrella Corporation agent who will have to make his way to an extraction point, relying only on their own starting equipment.
To unlock this new mode will be enough complete a game using the "New Game (2)" mode.
Playing as Tofu:
Thought as a parody in the original 1998 title, Tofu returns in Resident Evil 2 Remake armed exclusively with a combat knife.
To unlock it it will be enough, after obtaining the complete ending, successfully finish Hunk mode.
For more details on the Capcom title, we recommend reading our Resident Evil 2 Remake review.
► Resident Evil 2 Remake is a Horror-Survival game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 25/01/2019
Resident Evil 2 Remake is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 97%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Resident Evil 2 Remake review