King of Seas developed and edited by the team 3DClouds will arrive only at the beginning of 2021 on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but theaction rpg set in the seven seas it seems to have all the credentials to bring healthy fun in suggestive scenarios that only a pirate world can offer. Without spoiling anything, know that it has nothing to do with everything you have seen lately on the subject: if you think this is yet another purely management game, know that you will be strongly disappointed.
Victims of a hideous plot against you, you will have to fight tooth and nail to redeem your name and become the King of the seven seas! Lift anchor, let's go!
Not all treasures are gold or silver
Already from the first tutorial mission, that of the "crime", it is clear that in King of Seas there are so many things to do: naval routes, wind direction, tasks to be completed and dynamism over the top make every moment of the gaming experience fun.
The Procedural Generation algorithm at the base of the game modifies the game at each restart, in such a way as to make it very difficult to take reference points. In all the player can lay out and build five types of ships characterized by equipment and skills specific to each individual boat, in such a way as to have a sort of highly specialized fleet not only in naval battles.
Obviously we could not try all the various features, but at first glance the gameplay seems strongly structured and varied, in such a way as to significantly increase longevity and without boring. Have you ever tried to drive a galleon with keys WASD?
Here you can do it, the commands are managed entirely from the keyboard (to open the map, just press M at any time, for example) and, after a moment of adjustment, it results easy and intuitive give commands to the game.
Graphics and Audio
King of Seas doesn't make graphics its strong point. To some really well crafted goodies like the water that changes color depending on the depth, contrasting cartoon-style graphics that not only do not disturb, but give that extra touch of originality to the title. During gameplay you will find yourself dealing with really well done and nice drawn characters and scrolling dialogues, colors always in keeping with the setting and fun details such as the sails that are hoisted or lowered according to the commands given to the ship. The day-night cycle gives the setting a crazy atmosphere, the sunsets over the sea with the ships anchored in the inlets they look like they were taken directly from Pirates of the Caribbean.
The audio is the worthy setting, between soundtracks that make you want to drink a glass of rum and sound effects such as the cry of the seagulls or the sound of the waves that change according to the sea conditions. Apparently it looks like the classic game with dated graphics, but the more you play it, the more goodies you discover that will make you really appreciate the attention to detail that the programmers have been able to keep high in every facet of the game.
King of Seas is a really interesting, fun and alternative game. How many times have we seen titles that featured content-rich gameplay only to focus on just a couple of elements and leave the others in the background? This time the music looks different. It is not the usual management system on the rails of commerce and it is not the usual action RPG that takes you only and exclusively to do fights and to advance in repetitive missions. King of Seas is something more, something that must be thoroughly understood to be able to afford to make the big voice on the seven seas. The suggestiveness of the settings, the characterization of the characters and the sparkling gameplay will keep you glued to the screen just to see how it will turn out. Given the rather positive general impression, we just have to wait for the release of the final version. Ahoy!
► King of Seas is an RPG-Adventure-indie game developed and published by 3DClouds for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch, it will be released in 2021