Kingdom Come: Deliverance, like many other RPGs, is equipped with a system that allows the player to crack the most disparate locks. Whether your intention is to open a door or a trunk, the first impact with the system created by Warhorse Studios is not at all encouraging..
Already from the first missions, the game presents the need to pick the lock of a trunk, but later this approach will be only optional. Lockpicking in Kingdom Come: Deliverance isn't as straightforward as that used in games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or Fallout 4, especially if played on console. The system, in fact, requires you to perform a movement with the analogs that seems anything but natural. By continuing to insist on the breaking of doors and trunks, it will be possible to level up in this area and the initial difficulties will no longer be encountered. The first thing to do, when you are faced with a lock to break, is to understand if it is within our reach. There are four difficulty levels:
- very easy
- easy
- difficult
- very difficult
Based on our experience level, we will then know what we can try to unlock. Kingdom Come: Deliverance, in fact, does not allow you to try to open a chest classified as difficult or very difficult, if our experience is considerably lower.
The advice is therefore to continue gradually in this activity, thus avoiding having to immerse yourself completely further ahead, to reach the level necessary to unlock certain locks. Kingdom Come Deliverance also allows you to learn certain disciplines from some NPCs and this can greatly facilitate the work. In the context of lockpicking, Peshek can help. The Rattay miller, whom you will meet in the first hours of the game, can teach both pickpocketing and pickpocketing. Investing some groschen to level up is a good idea and saves some time. Some tricks, then, allow you to make attempts without wasting too many lockpicks. To succeed, you need to turn the lock and at the same time follow it with the other analog, but the high sensitivity - combined with the movement to be performed - leads the lockpicks to run out very quickly.
In the event that you lag behind or go too far, in fact, the lockpick will eventually break and that's why it is advisable to use a small trick. Furthermore, considering the inconvenience of the movement to be performed, the first thing to do is to deactivate the vibration of the joypad (vibrating it risks making you move the analogs involuntarily), then try to proceed with the action, remembering that the pick will not be damaged if you detaches from the lock before it breaks. Within the Kingdom Come: Deliverance menu there is also an option that allows you to switch to the simplified lockpicking system, which allows you to rotate the lock using the left spine of the controller instead of the respective analog.
Ultimately, therefore, a real method for breaking in without difficulty does not exist. By keeping these precautions in mind and applying them, however, you can consider the idea of training equally in this area and, above all, you can save the time that would have to be spent on long and risky journeys to go and buy more lockpicks.
► Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an RPG-type game developed by WarHorse Studios and published by Deep Silver for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 13/02/2018
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 85%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Kingdom Come: Deliverance review