Yesterday was Konami's day: the rumor had spread that an era was over, or that theJapanese company would have stopped producing or developing video games, dismantling everything. As correctly reported by EpicTrick and other publications, Konami had closed three production divisions to "keep up with rapid market changes", but the products were not specified.
The original press release, which can be read on the official website, literally speaks of "dissolution of three divisions dedicated to production“, Without specifying what they are, and was more aimed at investors. The Japanese conglomerate has in fact its hands in multiple sectors (cinema and collectible cards to name a few). Above are the new positions of employees of these former departments, who will fill other roles starting next month. The message has been misunderstood and exaggerated, bouncing on the internet and making people talk about the end of franchises like Metal Gear, Castlevania and Silent Hill (or rather, their future sale).
Konami felt compelled to intervene with a firm and concise statement, the following:
This announcement refers to an internal restructuring to make the production divisions more efficient. KONAMI has not closed the divisions related to the production of video games.
The misinterpretation is still present on Wikipedia, but it's not the first time Konami has had to correct the shot. You can find several news items dating back to past years where it was said that Konami would produce fewer video games, focusing on something else. In 2015, a rumor had spread that, due to the few titles coming out at the time, its fate would have been to become PES-centric, and in 2019 it had to defend itself again by stating that it was their intention to make games for consoles.
For the players, therefore, nothing will change. While it is true that there are no big plans for Konami's future, once decidedly less peaceful, we know that it is at work on PES 2022 and has recently created a division that focuses on "Western games for a Western audience", the whose first product was Skelattack.