During the last few hours, Crystal Dynamics has released a new video of Marvel's Avengers dedicated to one of the most important members of the craziest team there is: Captain America. Inside the published video, which you will find at the bottom of the news, we can find some information regarding the latter and an overview of the face and costume dedicated to the well-known Captain America in Marvel's Avengers. The videos, lasting 30 seconds, over time they will show some information on each protagonist present in the multimedia work which, we hope, can lead to the release of a new trailer.
In the movie, we can also admire some gameplay sequences in which our hero fights enemies with his inevitable shield. Most likely there will be new information during the next Tokyo Game Show, where Square Enix seems to be the protagonist of the stage; Could a new trailer be released for the occasion? We remind you that Marvel's Avengers will be released on May 15th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
What do you think about it? Are you excited to play Captain America in this new title? Will you buy the title at launch or will you wait for reviews? Continue to follow us to not miss any news, previews, reviews and everything related to the gaming world!
► Marvel's Avengers is an Adventure-Action type game developed by Crystal Dynamics Eidos Montréal and published by Square Enix for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 04/09/2020