La Mass Effect Trilogy, after a few rumors regarding its existence but never accompanied by details on the release or confirmation from EA o BioWare, has recently returned to the spotlight.
To bring it back to the stage was, already last week, the site of a Portuguese retailer, on which however the title would have appeared with a very subdued style, few details and an unconvincing cover: details that had given rise several doubts regarding the actual release of the remastered version of the trilogy.
To bring - apparently - some clarity were the sites of other retailers, on which the Mass Effect Trilogy would have recently appeared with a more refined appearance, characterized by the well-known face of Shepard, and reminiscent of the box art of the trilogy for PC already available.
Gonna guess the Mass Effect Remastered reveal is soon at this point. https://t.co/YCXp1Ba0lY https://t.co/aeTaydC7pc pic.twitter.com/ZGJw6cMS9C
- Jawmuncher (@Jawmuncher) September 21, 2020
On the reseller sites the remastered of the trilogy, with theoretically fixed release on console PlayStation 4, Xbox One e Nintendo Switch, would be accompanied by a brief description of the series, perfect even for newcomers to the franchise. As reported within the latter, the game will lead players to take on the role of Commander Shepard and experience his growth path, from his beginnings in the Alliance army until reaching the reputation of a legendary elite soldier, all while facing the war against an ancient alien enemy on the front line.
As for the possible expected release date, the sites would report the 15 October as a fixed day for the release of the physical editions of the trilogy. To make a similar detail credible would be the release, during the year, of many other remastered titles signed by the same team behind the Mass Effect Trilogy.
At the moment, however, all that remains is to take any news about the title with a grain of salt, especially given the lack of comments or official announcements from Electronic Arts o Bioware.
► Mass Effect 3 is a Shooter-RPG-Adventure type game developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts for PC, Wii U, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, the video game was released on 06/03/2012