It is by no means a December of glory for the debuts: as happened to Cyberpunk 2077, even Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond must deal with a optimization of the title that strongly disappoints the gamers. The players have indeed reported performance issues, including glaring loading times and technical difficulties related to weapon retrieval and reload. Also missing are some features initially provided, such as detailed graphics settings and various motion options.
In particular, the Steam version of the game seems to perform worse than its Oculus sister. Developer Respawn Entertainment is now working on a series of patches to address key issues. The note isn't about the huge 180GB file size and high system requirements though, which is another sore point for gamers.
Leaving aside the content of the detail of the patch, which would concern in particular the movements of the character marked by greater fluidity, as well as a different setting of the interludes of the story, the story opens up a further insight into the way of working that is affecting many production companies also emblazoned.
As already mentioned in the introduction, he is not alone Above and Beyond, the last chapter of a historical saga like Medal of Honor, which disappoints the expectations of millions of users. Just today CD Projekt, overwhelmed by the poor performance of Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 and Xbox One, was almost forced to offer unsatisfied customers a refund for the game copy, a solution as sensational as it is rare for a software.
There is no doubt that in the second half of the current year, much of the programming of many projects has undergone upheavals due to the pandemic. However, we feel we can stigmatize that the negative effects should not always fall on the weak links in the chain: end users who buy a poor product and employees of the studios subjected (in vain) to work crunch.
We all know what coast is going on in the world. If software houses need more time to optimize and improve the final stages of production of any game, they should learn to speak clearly with fans., which will largely understand. Sometimes the profit at all costs pays off, but only in the short term.
► Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond is a Shooter type game published by Electronic Arts for PC, the video game was released on 30/09/2020