Monster Hunter Rise is one of the most anticipated titles coming to Nintendo Switch. If you add to this that Capcom has enjoyed a real rebirth in recent years, the desire to get your hands on this title can only grow. Yes, because in addition to this, it must be said that Monster Hunter Rise will not only sanction the return of a title from the Monster Hunter series on Nintendo consoles, but will constitute in all respects the new main chapter of the brand, not a spin-off title.
To confirm this impression, we thought of the demo, whose analysis will be the main subject of our preview. What are you waiting for then? Prepare yourself a tasty meal, grab a weapon and discover with us what the Monster Hunter Rise demo has to offer.
Monster Hunter Rise tutorial
As for the demo, Capcom has decided to give gamers a real taste (very juicy) of what we can find in Monster Hunter Rise. It starts first from the possibility of choosing between four different missions to face.
Two of them form part of the game tutorial. In particular, the first mission takes us to the map of the Sacred Ruins to follow the teachings of Master Utsushi. The latter, in fact, will show us all the gameplay mechanics at a basic level. As tedious as this may seem to a veteran Monster Hunter gamer, we would like to recommend it to both newbies and veterans of the series. In this mission, you will be able to learn how to use the new mechanics of the Wire Bug: a sort of grappling hook with two loading slots that will allow you to move more easily even in the vertical direction.
The second tutorial mission takes us to an arena where it is possible to learn the art of Wyvern Riding (wyvern mount). In Monster Hunter Rise we will be able to ride some monsters once we have managed to stun them enough and inflict a certain amount of damage on them. Once stunned enough, just press the A button and we'll be riding the monster. At this point, it will be our choice as to what to do with the monster in question. We can simply move it to move quickly around the map, attack other monsters or, again, throw the monster on which we are riding against a wall to inflict damage on it. As expected, however, time on the back of a monster will be limited and its duration will be marked by a bar located at the bottom of the game interface.
Hunting straight away!
If the first two missions described serve as Monster Hunter Rise tutorials, the other two project us into the heart of action and hunting. In fact, we can choose whether to hunt a Grand Izuchi (easy difficulty) or a Mizutsune (normal difficulty) always within the map of the Sacred Ruins. For both missions, the demo allows us to choose between 14 predefined character models; each featuring unique equipment and weapons.
Chosen therefore how to face the mission, the game joins us with our faithful companions Canyne and Felyne. The first companion, in particular, can be ridden and we have ascertained how much this addition of gameplay has benefited the enjoyment of the hunt. Moving from one area to another will in fact be much more pleasant and will take less time, in addition to the fact that we will be able to perform many actions on the back of the Canyne (such as sharpening the weapon or drinking potions).
As for the fight, Monster Hunter veterans will instantly feel at home. The combat system in fact follows that of the previous chapters and each weapon allows the player to try different attack combos and to unlock some modes that in a certain sense follow the styles and arts seen in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate.
We found the monsters very inspired and Mizutsune was absolutely a welcome return. In addition to the beauty of the creature itself, the Mizutsune will immediately test us with its rapid movements and with its bubbles capable of stuning us and inflicting a lot of damage.
RE Engine
For Monster Hunter Rise, Capcom has relied on a new version of the RE Engine. The result is exceptional. The graphic rendering of the title is the most beautiful you can see on Nintendo Switch. Sure, we're not at the resolution levels of Monster Hunter World, but the stable 30 fps and a yield of this type on Nintendo Switch did not expect it at this level. The title is truly a feast for the eyes and we are sure it will be able to capture you too.
Online Test: Passed
The Monster Hunter Rise demo allows us to try the online multiplayer mode as well. Most of my concerns were based on this modality. Well, we must say that the test regarding this demo is absolutely passed. The game keeps its 30 fps stable and doesn't show frame drops even in the most heated combat actions. The graphic rendering remains the same and the gameplay fluid and dynamic as in the single-player mode. Considering how much the title lends itself to online cooperative play, we are delighted to see how much Capcom has worked in this regard, giving the user a truly amazing experience on Nintendo Switch.
The Monster Hunter Rise demo confirms all the high expectations we had for this game. Capcom has done a really great job and we can't wait for March 26 this year with the release of the full game. If you have any doubts, we advise you to download the demo; we are sure you will be captivated by it. Finally, we remind you that the demo allows you to face the four missions for a maximum of 30 times. Happy hunting everyone!
► Monster Hunter Rise is an RPG type game developed and published by Capcom for the Nintendo Switch, the video game will be released on 26/03/2021 (in 36 days)