Review for Monster Hunter Stories. Game for Android, iOS and Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 08/10/2016
“Monster Hunter… with kids and chibi-style monsters being ridden and raised rather than hunted? Blasphemy! ". Or so would any fan of the series, unaware of the value of Monster Hunter Stories. Many have been said about this new chapter, about the fact that PLEASE DON'T GET is the usual Monster Hunter, increasingly expanding thanks to the announcement of World, it is absolutely true.
But different doesn't necessarily equate to worse, and Capcom proves it with Monster Hunter Stories, thanks also to its small differences which, however, do not in any way affect the spirit of the series. The title, made for Nintendo 3DS, has all the credentials to be one of the best JRPGs arrived in Europe this year on the platform in question.
The plot, the one almost unknown in the Monster Hunter universe
Those who have already tried the various hunting games in the series will already know that usually a real narrated plot is missing, except for the attempt made with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Capcom this time decides to venture a little more - after all, the title is followed by "Stories" - by inserting a real plot.
We will play the role (customizable via avatar customization, as always) of a boy from the Hakumi village, looking for monster eggs with his friends Lilia and Cheval. The trio will come into possession of an egg and the protagonist will make it hatch, revealing the Monstie Rathalos. Monstie, unlike the usual monsters of the series, are smaller creatures, but not for this to be underestimated. Humans who can bond with them are called Riders. The protagonist's goal will be to become one of them, but shortly after his return, a monster called Nargacuga, wrapped in a mysterious dark blanket, will devastate the village. In the siege, Cheval's mother will lose her life, while Rathalos's cub will be wounded and thrown off a cliff. After the escape of the Nargacuga, the village will remain marked by the event and, while the inhabitants attempt the reconstruction, the three friends will decide what to do.
A year later, following a discussion with the village elder, the protagonist will learn about the mysterious Black Scourge, which could be the cause of the black blanket around the Nargacuga and possibly other monsters out in the world. The elder will complete the bonding ritual, making our protagonist a Rider destined to accomplish great deeds together with his new friend Felyne, Navirou. Instead, Lilia will be hired by the guild of hunters in another city and Cheval will mysteriously leave the village without saying anything. From here the trio of friends will go down different paths with different purposes, but they will be destined to meet again.
The premises for a story with almost mature canons - although the narrative and the nice choice of the "chibi" style of the characters - they are all there; there will be no shortage of twists and emotions within a continent to be explored from top to bottom, with fascinating scenarios immersed in wild nature.
The turn-based Monster Hunter that comes true
If the idea of a well-structured plot is already something unusual within the series, know that this will not be the only surprise: Monster Hunter Stories, in fact, breaks the rules of gameplay for the first time. The game is a Turn-based JRPG, able, however, to give a unique experience without neglecting the peculiarities of the series.
Basically, we can have a team of six Monstie who will fight alongside our Rider. Each Monstie will be different for many reasons, including passive and active abilities or special actions on the World Map, such as moving in water or lava areas, climbing or destroying obstacles, finding resources or scaring other monsters by emitting loud and bullying sounds. roars. The choice of the Monstie will also be fundamental in battle and having a versatile team will be one of the keys to enter many dangerous places, including deserts, snow-covered expanses, volcanoes and forests.
Speaking of battles, we're now going to examine his system of this Monster Hunter JRPG.
The interface, as you can see in the gallery above, is quite intuitive, designed in the typical style of the series. Through this we will be able to choose the actions, from the use of objects to the personal techniques of the Rider or Monstie. Normal attacks will follow the “rock paper scissors” pattern, where Power beats Technique, Technique beats Speed and Speed beats Power. Being able to understand the pattern of the actions of the enemies is one of the keys to taking advantage. Obviously, anyone who has chewed on the series for years will already have enough intuition to predict that it shows how Raptor Wyverns will abuse Speed or Technique attacks, as well as Wild Wyverns of Power. Prevailing in this scheme will result in a quick filling of the bar in the central part of the interface. When this is at its maximum, we will be able to unleash a deadly special technique together with the Monstie in question.
Finally, sometimes it will happen that the monsters decide to fight for pretty good, giving rise to physical, remote or even aerial fights. An addition in which we will have to "mashare" several buttons repeatedly to tick it against opponents, inflicting extra damage and filling the bond bar even more.
This battle system has its roots in some deep mechanics, which can lead to the most varied customizations and combat methodologies. The growth system is less trivial than it may appear, thanks to the genetic inheritance system of the Monstie, outside the basic growth dictated by experience. Having the genes of one Monstie inherited by the other involves sacrifice of the donor but strengthens the other. Mastering this mechanic will allow you to customize Monstie in a way never seen before, as genes basically contain passive and active abilities. As we will see in the gallery below, however, the Monstie can have up to 9 genes and usually is born with a total of 4 or 5 genes available (to unlock the rest you will need special stones). It will be possible to move genes from one monster to another only if they are in the same position on the grid. Whether it's an increase in stats or granting skills, everything will be allowed in this inheritance system, even making a fire monstie immune to water.
More Monster Hunter than ever
Despite the justified skepticism of some fans around the title in question, which presents itself differently from the previous ones, it must be recognized that Monster Hunter Stories contains everything that made the public love the series: secondary missions at the message boards of the villages, collecting resources, fishing and crafting equipment thanks to the drops ... everything will flow into an "à la Monster Hunter" experience in a succession of endless hours of play, as always.
Speaking of secondary quests and excursions to the moors, it will unfortunately be during the latter that you will experience the only flaws found. Monster Hunter Stories undoubtedly has a vast and colorful world - also dictated by a successful cel shading technique and excellent animated scenes - but because of this we have experienced several drops in frame rates while cruising around the map on the back of Monstie or running around crowded areas of villages. Furthermore, although tolerable, uploads are not the fastest, but it will certainly not be a few seconds during the uploads or some slowdown in some areas to slow down the spectacle of this JRPG.
What to say to those who may have thought “It looks different to the Monster Hunter I know, I don't know if I'll buy it”? That he was wrong, and how! Monster Hunter Stories is a title in the series in all respects, with its modus operandi that has left its mark in hunting games revisited in a JRPG key, but without affecting what has made the saga unique and famous. With a battle system full of ideas and gameplay that will test the bond between the Rider in you and your Monstie, Monster Hunter Stories is a title recommended for a large audience, which goes beyond the circle of fans of the series. and the JRPGs. Let yourself be overwhelmed by the fantastic settings and unique style of this title as you sail the skies on the back of a Rathalos!
► Monster Hunter Stories is a JRPG type game developed by Marvelous and published by Nintendo for Android, iOS and Nintendo 3DS, the video game was released on 08/10/2016