While some of them may seem too large to actually be captured alive, it is actually possible to capture the larger monsters that you will discover in the various areas of Monster Hunter World (with the exception of ancient dragons of course). In fact, capturing monsters is an alternative way to complete missions, plus bringing monsters back alive also gives you extra rewards in the form of materials and research points.
To catch them, we will first need some elements: traps and tranquilizers to put him to sleep. You can get many different types of traps and tranquilizers, but in general they are crafted with items found during various missions.
Sleep bombs and electric traps are often used. Let's assume we are about to capture a Kulu-Ya-Ku, one of the many monsters of Monster Hunter World that is found in the Ancient Forest. Here's what to do step-by-step:
First, we need the items. You can find them in the shop, build them or in missions that require capturing items will be available at the start of the mission in the chest near the main camp.
- Sleep Bomb: This item will effectively knock out the monster to capture it.
- Electric Trap: Allows you to stun a monster for a limited time.
For obvious reasons, make sure you always have more than you need for safety. Make sure both objects are in the quick access menu so you can quickly select them with L1 / LB.
Then go in search of the monster. Pursue it as you normally would on a hunting trip. Once the monster is tracked, face it in battle as normal. Your goal is now to significantly injure the monster until it reaches critical health; when the monster starts limping or shows other signs of weakness, let it escape.
The easiest thing to do is to wait for the monster to go to its lair to sleep, when it is asleep you can place the electric trap near the muzzle, when the monster wakes up, it will be immediately immobilized by the trap and at that point it will be enough to throw 2/3 bombs soporific.
Congratulations: you have captured a monster! Once you return to Astera, you will be able to see your newly captured prey in the northwest area of the map.
Recall that Monster Hunter World is developed by Capcom and is available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC.
► Monster Hunter: World Iceborne is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the video game was released on 26/01/2018 The version for PC came out on 09/08/2018
Monster Hunter: World Iceborne is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 97%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Monster Hunter: World Iceborne Review