There are few brands that resist the slow and inexorable passage of time but fighting games, as the name of the genre itself suggests, still hold their own. One of these has withstood generations and generations of rivals and consoles: we are obviously talking about Mortal Kombat. The latest addition to the series, Mortal Kombat 11, it has not yet reached the end of its life cycleindeed it seems that there are still new surprises and new content around the corner.
Ed Boon, creator and director of Mortal Kombat, through Twitter announced that Mortal Kombat 11 has exceeded 8 million units sold. The title has been out for about two years and the previous chapter sold 11 million copies in a 4-year window. This means that Mortal Kombat 11 could be the most selling chapter ever in the franchise's history. Part of this success definitely goes to the great post-launch support from NetherRealm Studios - this looks set to last as there seems to be new content in the pot, ready to be announced perhaps next week. Thanks to datamining New characters have been discovered and perhaps even a new plot expansion. It therefore appears that Mortal Kombat 11 and its contents are intended for keep us company also in the next-gen.
► Mortal Kombat 11 is a fighting game developed by NetherRealm Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia, the video game was released on 23/04/2019
Version for PlayStation 5 from 17/11/2020
Version for Xbox Series X from 17/11/2020
Version for Google Stadia from 19/11/2019
Mortal Kombat 11 is a beautiful game that cannot be missing from your collection: we have decided to evaluate it with a 90%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Mortal Kombat 11 Review