A new trailer has just come out for the flagship exclusive of Playstation 5: Demon's Souls, which is shown in a new gameplay video. The Bluepoint games remake of the classic From Software is barely recognizable on a graphic level. The aesthetic work done is amazing, although it may risk losing some of the charm of the excellent design of the PS3 title
One particularly impressive thing about this gameplay trailer for Demon's Souls is the lighting management. As already happened with Bloodborne for PS4, the generational change also passes from what is allowed to the artist at the level of detail, and Demon's seems to have taken the same step forward that Bloodborne did compared to Dark Souls. The 5-minute trailer shows an area fairly close to the beginning of the adventure, however a boss is shown so we ask you to avoid this video if you really don't want to spoil anything.
► Demon's Souls is an RPG-Adventure game developed by Bluepoint Games Sony Interactive Entertainment and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PlayStation 5, the video game was released on 12/11/2020
Version for PlayStation 5 from 19/11/2020