Nintendo has opened a new Twitter account specifically linked to news about the company.
任天堂 株式会社 の 企業 広 報 · IR に 関 す る 情報 を お 伝 え す る ア カ ウ ン ト を 開設 し ま し た. 今後, プ レ ス リ リ ー ス や 決算 に 関 す る 情報 は, こ ち ら の ア カ ウ ン ト か ら お 伝 え し ま す. な お, 個別 の ご 質問 · お 問 い 合 わ せ に は お 答 え で き ま せ ん。
※ 商品 に 関 す る 情報 は 引 き 続 き @Nintendo か ら お 伝 え し ま す。
- 任天堂 株式会社 (企業 広 報 ・ IR) (@NintendoCoLtd) January 18, 2021
The account is described by Nintendo itself as follows: “We opened this account to release news about Nintendo Co., Ltd. corporate and Investor Relations.
Financial announcements and other company related information will be shared through the account. We also kindly inform you that we will not respond to messages or requests of any kind. "
Nintendo has not released further information, but it will certainly be an account to keep an eye on for all the news that gravitate around the world of the Kyoto giant.
For example, it is from the Nintendo Corporate website that we learned of the company's purchase of Next Level Games, the developer behind Luigi's Mansion 3.
In all likelihood, this new Twitter account will release such communications. In this regard, we expect new info on Nintendo theme parks soon.
What do you think of it? What news are you expecting soon from Nintendo? As always, we invite you to tell us in the comments.