It has been a few days since the release of Outlast 2 is literally terrifying gamers all over the world, not just for the experience itself but for the particular difficulty of its objectives. If the task of completing the game 100% seems titanic to you, don't worry: EpicTrick has packed this handy guide for you to take stock of what you are missing to complete the search!
- Messiah (125G)
You finished the game in Insane Mode without recharging the camera battery
- Holy (100G)
You finished the game in Insane Mode
- Preacher (80G)
You finished the game in Nightmare Mode
- Prophet (75G)
You finished the game without hiding in barrels or cabinets
- Sanctified (70G)
You finished the game on Hard Mode
- Ordering (60G)
You have collected all the documents
- The apostle Paul (60G)
You have completed all registrations
- Rebirth (50G)
You finished the game
- Asael (50G)
You finished the game in less than 4 hours
- Be purified (30G)
You ran away from syphilitics
- Golgotha (30G)
You have reached the mine
- Holy Sepulcher (30G)
You went down to the mine
- May man not separate (30G)
You reunited with Lynn
- Apocalypse (30G)
You witnessed the end
- Bible Study (30G)
You have collected 40 documents
- On the way to Damascus (30D)
You have completed 30 registrations
- What God has united (15G)
You found Lynn
- Babylon (15G)
You saw the remote mine where Lynn is being held captive
- Be right back (15G)
You escaped the crucifixion
- Those who have ears (15G)
You used the microphone for 20 minutes
- Path of Blood (15G)
You slipped on the blood for 12 meters
- Act of penance (15G)
You crawled for 500 meters
- Heal the sick (15G)
You used 10 bandages
- Definitive Baptism (15G)
You spent 10 minutes underwater
And don't forget that our solution database is constantly expanding. Be sure to follow any updates on the Facebook page . or directly on If you are playing Outlast 2 on Playstation 4, check out ours Outlast 2 Trophy Guide