Getting into Memento is all well and good in Persona 5 Royal. However, there is a method that allows you to level up your party in no time, while earning a lot of money in the meantime. In this guide we will explain how.
Basically, we will take advantage of the level gap between Akira and the Shadows mixed with Jose's effects on the cognitive world of the Memento. First, you need to have the Confidant rank with Ryuji at 7. From this you get an instant kill ability that allows you to win battles simply by investing the Shadows with R2 while driving Morgana. However, this ability only works with Shadows whose level is lower than Akira's by 10 and it is possible to recognize them from a distance thanks to the Third Eye. As you already know thanks to the tutorial, the outline of the Shadows analyzed with the Third Eye have different colors. If the Shadows have a green outline, it means they can be killed simply by running over them. Blue, Yellow, and Red Shadows are defeated normally.
To make this method even more effective, you can use the Stamps you get during the explorations and exchange them with Jose in order to increase the experience and the money received in battle. These effects also apply in cases where you use the instant kill ability, drastically cutting the time it takes to grind levels with the party and get a decent sum of yen. The time to spend the afternoon at the Memento in this way would be after completing the fifth palace. You will already have many plans available and consequently a good number of stamps to activate the bonuses. Start from the last unlocked area, go up the floors until you notice that all the Shadows present are surrounded by green and give us inside.
A second chance to make the most of this method is during the new quarter added in Persona 5 Royal. Head into the new Memento area added in this new version and level up with all characters to prepare for battles against the Reaper and the final boss.
► Persona 5 Royal is an Adventure-RPG game developed and published by ATLUS for PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 31/03/2020
Persona 5 Royal is a game to own at all costs: we decided to evaluate it with a 98%, if you are interested in learning more you can read the Persona 5 Royal review