In this last weekend of lockdown we have, like many others of you, tried the test demo of Predator: Hunting Grounds, in new title of Illfonic centered on the ferocious alien hunter made famous by the film with Arnold Schwarzenegger dating back to the distant 80s.
Predator: Hunting Grounds is presented as a cooperative / competitive multiplayer game, with an asymmetrical structure very similar to that of Dead By Daylight or, perhaps more fittingly, the much mistreated Evolve.
In this Predator: Hunting Grounds demo we will be called to take on the role of one of the four members of the Fire Team (cooperative part), group of highly trained soldiers committed to completing a series of tasks in a jungle infested with guerillas, or we will find ourselves wearing the menacing hunting suit of the Yautja (this is the real name of this alien species), whose purpose is obviously to hunt down the members of the Fire Team, trying to take home their fleshless skulls like grisly trophies.
From what we have been able to see, the structure of Predator: Hunting Grounds is very similar to that of Evolve. When we play as a soldier, the gameplay is the one from FPS classic, neither more nor less, while when instead we play the role of the Predator, the view moves to the third person, acquiring a much more dynamic gameplay, certainly excellent for using all the peculiar characteristics of the alien hunter, first of all the possibility of circling in the tree branches with the suit in concealment mode, an iconic feature of the character.
The predator is hugely stronger than any human soldier and, as if that weren't enough, equipped with a far more lethal equipment than that available to the Fire Team. However, to quote Arnold in the first film, "if he bleeds, he can die" and then with a lot of coordination and teamwork you can turn the tables and make the hunter become prey.
In the midst of all this, there are the “poor” AI-controlled guerillas, who serve as the PvE element for both the Fire Team and the Predator. As far as we could see, Predator: Hunting Grounds is heavily inspired by the situations proposed in the first Predator movie, given the setting and the amazing soundtrack, able to really thrill the fans of the first hour of the hunter from space. Good level of gameplay, fast and intuitive in general, even if a little less when you take control of the Predator for the first time. Nothing to worry about, however, the thing is also justified by the clear superiority of the alien over the soldiers. Once you get to a hand-to-hand fight, for example, there will be very little chance that the human will come out, even if you can never say ...
As you progress with the experience, you will be able to unlock new weapons and equipment for our character, as well as a lot of aesthetic elements useful for customization maniacs.
During this test, made by us on PlayStation 4, also the server management turned out to be pretty good, not having encountered crashes, various problems or too long queues before being able to play. If at the release, scheduled for next April 24 also for PC e Xbox One, Predator: Hunting Grounds will keep the promises made with this demo, we will find ourselves in front of a title that does justice to the character quite well, and which therefore will not disappoint the aficionados at all, also able to entertain those who approach the figure of Predator in more "casual" way.
Anyway now, we just have to wait for the opening of the hunting season ...
► Predator: Hunting Grounds is a Shooter type game developed by Illfonic and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for PC and PlayStation 4, the video game was released on 24/04/2020