This is Prince of Persia complete solution. The game allows you to explore 4 regions consisting of 4 different zones, as well as 4 initial "levels" and the 4 rooms where the 4 corrupt followers of Ahriman reside. There is no order to explore these regions, you can follow the path you like best and the one shown in this solution is the one I chose. In addition to reporting the ways to face the pitfalls of the various areas, as well as their bosses, I will describe where to find some seeds of light that are difficult to reach because they are well hidden or because they require special procedures, for others, after you have become familiar with the game, you will see that there will be no obstacles to recover them.
The powers reported under the fertile soils are of two types: the power needed to get to or face the area, and the extra power needed to reach some seeds of light.
The opening movie will introduce you to the two protagonists of the story, the Prince (the character you will command) and Elika, your indispensable companion on this journey. When the video sequence ends you will have to follow the girl and a tutorial on how to learn the basic movements will begin. This tutorial will be followed by another where you will learn how to use the battle commands and then resume your chase. Continue until you are interrupted by a cutscene, in which Elika will save you and after doing this she will collapse into your arms, after that walk along the obligatory path and shortly after you will find yourself facing two other enemies; after defeating them, go down the rock face and follow Elika towards the Temple. At the top of the stairs you will notice that the girl is climbing the wall, follow the instructions to do the same and once you have finished climbing you will find a winch, turn it to open the door of the temple, go back to the wall you came from and slide until you arrive at the base and enter the Temple. You will find yourself in a long corridor at the end of which you will have to cling to the ring on the wall to the right of the door to be able to open it, enter the room and after the following cutscene get ready to cross the sword with that of Elika's father. This is a different opponent from those encountered so far, in fact he will often deflect your shots and you will have to be reactive to parry his counterattacks. Whatever the outcome of the clash you will witness another scene after which you will have to escape from the Temple using the commands learned so far. Reach the platforms with jumps and runs on the walls until you reach the clearing in front of the door where you will face a soldier of Ahriman, against whom you will learn the use of the powers of your partner in battle. Once the battle is over, grab the ring on the wall to open the door and return to the long corridor, where you will have to move carefully as the floor you are on will collapse; run until you get almost to the end, when you reach the top of the door jump and press the button that appears on the screen to extend the jump and reach the exit. For convenience this last technique will be called "long jump" during the solution. Now you are safe and Elika will tell you what you have to do to imprison Ahriman again, learn how to use the map with the tutorial (I will assume that you will use it, so as not to be too repetitive) and get ready, the adventure begins!
Fertile soil | Gate of the King |
Neighborhood |
Stronghold in ruins |
Mandatory power |
/ |
Extra power |
Pass of Ormazd |
Seeds of light |
45 |
Set your destination on the far left fertile soil, the King's Gate, to begin land reclamation. In case you don't know where to go, ask Elika for help by pressing the button to use her powers with which you will activate the "compass" ability which consists of a sphere of light that will show you the way to follow. Move along the plain and once you arrive in front of the gorge that will take you to your destination, a short movie will take place, after which you can talk to your partner several times to learn more about Ahriman and followers, and then resume the march. Take a long jump to start the walk, the tutorial aids for the movements will still appear, so you shouldn't have problems reaching the goal since it is almost all seen. Climb the rock, cling to the crack and walk it all, go down and go to the opposite wall where you will find a ring, reach it and press the button that appears to use it and get to the top. Jump to the next rock and perform a run on the wall by pressing the button that appears this time to wear the ring and prolong the action, at the crossroads turn left and jump on the pole to reach the next platform. Climb the wall using the two rings and you will find two more poles, use them to land on the floor, position yourself on the beam that protrudes from the floor and launch towards the rock in front, jump on the beam above the ravine to get to the next platform. Use the crack to climb the wall, pass over the two beams and approach the opposite wall, jump against it to be able to climb on the beam with which to reach two cracks: at the end of the second you will find yourself inside the tower area, where Elika will introduce the place and tell you to reach the top of the tower. Jump on the beams and on the pole to reach a platform where there is a door on your left and in front of it a pole that protrudes from the floor on the precipice: climb it and jump to the column in front, you will begin the climb of the tower. From the column jump to the floor behind you, grab the vines on the wall to be able to move to the next platform, reach the next two columns, turn the corner and run a wall run to get to the vines. Move along these and run up the wall, go around the corner and climb to the top of the column to go to the next floor of the building. Here beware of corruption, if you land on it the Prince will be swallowed and your partner will have to intervene to save you. Jump to the next column and climb to the top, press the jump button to perform a ceiling run (instructions on how to do this will appear) and press the button (the action will stop for further instructions) to extend that run by grabbing the 'ring and come from the opposite side. Jump three times to reach the next post, at the end of which there will be a column, climb it and turn left, then fly to the next platform.
The fight is not very difficult, attack him in all possible ways and be careful when the opponent will deflect your blows in order to promptly parry his counterattacks. In case you end up against the wall and the enemy will attack you you will notice that the shot changes, be prepared to repeatedly press the key to use the sword to be able to win this "test of strength" and avoid taking damage. When the life bar is close to zero the Hunter will escape, wait for Elika to position herself on the circle drawn on the ground, press the key once to use the spells and then press it repeatedly until the recovery will not proceed automatically. Now that the area has returned to normal, the seeds of light will appear a little everywhere, collect a certain amount to be able to unlock the new powers of the girl, but know that at the moment, having no power, you will not be able to take all the seeds. Grab the ring to open the gate, climb on the beam and make a long jump to reach the column in front of you, now jump on the vines to go down and find yourself at the starting point. Go to the right, where there is a low wall, jump on it to climb it and see some poles beyond it, the last jump needs Elika's help to grab the vines. Once on the platform look up on the rock face to find a seed of light, then grab the pole in front of you and make a long jump to land on the slope you will slide on, when you are close to the end jump on the wall then another flight towards. the opposite wall and jump a third time to reach the pole. On the next clearing an enemy awaits you, defeat him and back off to go back to where you came from. Climb the rock step to the left of the large grate on the rock face, look up to the right to find a seed, continue to the next slope and eventually jump to the rock face, when you are at the top turn right to discover a niche in the mountain with two more seeds. There will now be two more slopes on which to slide over which you will return to the floor from which you arrived by means of the rods, hold on to the one you see nearby to go back, to reach the third you have to make a prolonged jump, get up to the vines and go down go back to the clearing with the big door on the wall. To retrieve other seeds you just have to climb the tower, you notice that the corruption is gone and you can move now with more freedom. Go back on the path along which you arrived here, take the seeds that are there and arrive at the fork, take the road that to the left to go to the next area. But first notice the seed of light that is near the rock face under which there is nothing: run the wall and a long jump to reach the platform. Many light seeds will require similar procedures in order to recover them. Go back to the fork and walk along the dark area. Hold on to the vines and to reach the next location make a long jump trying to reach the crack below in front of you.
Fertile soil | The Cauldron |
Neighborhood |
The valley |
Mandatory power |
/ |
Extra power |
Breath of Ormazd |
Seeds of light |
45 |
Enter and climb the vines, immediately after the exit will be blocked by corruption and you will have to climb and defeat the Alchemist to be able to exit. Cross the lake on the wooden beam (keep this position in mind, as from here you will access the slab with which to reach five seeds of light once in possession of the Breath of Ormazd. Look down towards the wall to see a pole, from the which to reach that slab) and jump on the slope, climb up the vines and those after, the level of corruption will rise further. Pass the next slope and climb the wall, jump on the column and perform a ceiling run to reach the next one, then another ceiling run and once you reach the ring press the button to prolong the action and get on the platform: the lake level will rise again. Make a couple of jumps to reach the ledge on the right via the large column in the center of the area, climb the beam on the wall and jump to the next platform. Reach the slope and at the end jump, the Prince will run on the wall and land on the fertile soil where, after a short cutscene, the fight with the Alchemist will begin.
This boss is not very difficult, but deflecting his shots could turn out to be as it is not easy to see them leave. Fight in the center of the area avoiding the edges, if you end up in corruption there will be a test of strength, while if it ends there the enemy will break your combo and appear behind you. After the battle, heal the place and go hunting for seeds. After recovering those present on the clearing jump on the vines of the central building and go down, at the end go to the left. Here you will have to perform various runs on the walls between a crack and the other to reach the end, where another enemy awaits you, when you reach the second crack jump to the wall behind you to collect two seeds hidden in a niche behind the blades of the mill, continue until you defeat the enemy and go back, go up the complex to retrieve the seeds of light, not forgetting to also take those on the path that leads to the ruined Stronghold. You should thus get to have the 60 seeds required to unlock the first power, before teleporting to the Temple but pay a visit to the passage that leads to the Cave to find some more seeds. On the floor at the foot of the gigantic tree you will notice that there are luminous plates, climb on one of them and repeatedly press the key to perform Elika's spells, as you do when you restore fertile soil, to access a dimension where you can learn the use. of that power. Personally I have chosen the Pass of Ormazd, the red slab, to go to retrieve the seeds left behind at the King's Gate. In the place where you will be sent you will find a slab on the wall, reach it with a run on the wall and once you are positioned on it press the key for the magic to activate the power of Ormazd, continue like this until you reach the portal that will bring you back in front of the Temple. Now you can access four new zones, two in the Ruined Stronghold and two more in the Valley, but I preferred before visiting the initial four zones of the map.
Drive through the desert towards the central gorge, make a long jump to cross the precipice, climb up the first wall using the ring, the second through the crack and the third with two rings. Run on the wall and use the ring to get to the fork, turn right and jump on the two columns to reach the platform from which to get to a third column: climb it and jump to the next floor. On the next column you have to turn right to reach the ground, run a wall run and jump to reach a last column - here you are at the entrance to the area.
Fertile soil | The cave |
Neighborhood |
Royal Palace |
Mandatory power |
/ |
Extra power |
Wings of Ormazd |
Seeds of light |
45 |
Reaching this place should not be difficult, by now you should have assimilated the basic commands: after Elika has described the place, jump on the pole and then on the column, to reach the next one you have to make a prolonged jump. Turn right and jump to the column, the next is an illusion and you will fall on fertile soil: Elika will be imprisoned by the Concubine and you will have to free her. Jump on the column behind which there is a wall without a ring, fly to the two poles and land on the platform. Attack the enemy but it will turn out to be only a projection, do it twice and after the short cutscene return to the fertile ground to climb up the same column as before. This time jump on the slope and reach the platform where the opponent is, even in this case it will be an illusion, go back to your travel companion and now cling to the column closest to her, behind which there is a wall with the ring. Let yourself slide down the slope, jump on the two poles and on the other slope, to get to discover another illusion. After that the Concubine will appear next to Elika, go to her to start the fight. As with the other boss battles you don't have to take it to the edge of the clearing, otherwise it will teleport behind you interrupting your combos and try to throw you down: then there will be a duel of strength where you have to repeatedly press the sword button. This will not be a difficult fight either and after the enemy has escaped heal the fertile soil, collect the various seeds of light, including those along the path that leads to the Cauldron and leave for the next destination.
Go back to the entrance to the area and grab the column, climb to the top and do a couple of runs on the ceiling to reach the next one. From the platform go to the next column and fly, with a prolonged jump, towards the next, melt until you reach the bottom to land unscathed on the plane. Perform a wall run and use the rings to extend it, thus overcoming the ravine, another run on the wall with a jump to get to the column and finish with a last bucking on the wall to touch the ground again. Grab the column and go down, reach the next one and you will come to the fork, go left and slide down the slope, at the end of it jump to reach the ledge in front. Climb the rock beyond which you will find two more slides and a wall with two rings, pass the last slope and here you are at the entrance to the new area.
And so we have come to the end.